Changmin - Tall

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Changbin wasn't that short but he's also not tall, he prefers his height to be called as fun sized.
He knows a lot of people found his height cute, he does too but that doesn't change the fact that he can't still reach the tissue on the top of the shelf.

He mentally cursed whoever putted the tissue there. He sighed and whisper yelled to his boyfriend who's grabbing a candy jar from a candy shelf "Help!"

Seungmin averted his gaze from the candies and look at changbin, his lips formed into a smile as he pushed the cart and stopped in front of changbin "Yes my binnie?"

The oldest pointed at the tissue and seungmin immediately used his height to grab tissues and put it in changbin's cart "Thank you- why are you buying so many sweets by the way? You don't even like sweets"

"Oh that? I want to replace your junk foods with this" Changbin frowned "And why? " Seungmin look at him innocently "Because you've been eating too much junk foods and why not eat sweets? They taste good"

"Aish okay okay" Changbin pushed his cart forward and seungmin did the same as they look around the market, they didn't even put down the things that they will buy, they just went to the market.

And once they were done,they went to the counter to pay for it then went home immediately since they know the members will be waiting for them.

"--Put that aside" Seungmin nodded his head as he fixed the cabinet on top of them and placed some tissues,they bought too many so next time when they go to the market they won't have to buy.

Since in straykids seungmin is the second tallest, it sure did have some perks. Changbin was the shortest but because of that fact seungmin loves his height.

"Ah!!!" Seungmin's eyes widened, he immediately look at changbin who suddenly screamed.
"What's wrong??" He asked worriedly and changbin look at him like nothing happened.

"Oh nothing, you just look so handsome it made me scream" His weird and that's what seungmin love about him.

Seungmin chuckled as he patted his boyfriend's hair then went back to doing his job. In straykids they have their own tasks in household chores.

Changbin get to be the one who washes the plates and he absolutely hate that,he grew up being a rich kid so seungmin helped him. Even though changbin is older,seungmin is much more independent than him cause changbin acts like a total baby.

Seungmin crouch down and open a cabinet,
'Changbin's cabinet'-- he grabbed the junk foods and put it on the counter, he could see changbin pouting.

"Stop pouting, I'm doing this for you, you can't always eat junk foods and sodas, you'll be out of shape---" Changbin cutted him off with a frown
"So you're saying I'll get fat?" Even though seungmin knows how much changbin hates when they talk about weight, he's an honest person
"Yes you'll get fat so you need to stop eating this kind off foods, it has too many chemicals in i---" Again changbin cutted him off.

"I thought you love my weight? We're you lying?"
Changbin gets insecurity too,and it's all because of his weight. Yeah he's muscular but that was before, now the members tease him for being fat. He's not that fat,like his stomach is bloated already. It's just his cheeks became chubby and because of his height,he looked fat but he isn't.

Seungmin sighed as he hugged changbin and rested his chin on top of his head.
"I love your weight binnie,you know that I don't lie- I never did actually, what I want is... For you to be healthy, I don't want you to end up like the others who's having a terrible illness because of that"

Changbin pouted and punch his stomach softly and lightly "Okay,okay" Seungmin smiled and kissed changbin's forehead. Such affectionate moves like that can make the older's heart flutter.

It sure became a habit when his heart is throbbing so hard and fast, his stomach is being filled with butterflies,his mind going blank, his cheeks fully red, he has the habit of pouting his lips.

"Do you want to try the candies that I bought you? Incase you don't like something?" Changbin nodded happily as he took a seat on the counter and let seungmin do his thing.

Seungmin parted the candies away from each other and opened them one by one.
Changbin happily grab a candy with a smile and put it in his mouth, then grabbed another candy until he finished the tasting test.

There was a long silence before changbin yelled
"It doesn't taste sugaristic!" Seungmin nod his head with a proud smile "Sugar Free"

Changbin sighed "I'm never letting you do this again" Even though changbin doesn't like it, he has to do it for seungmin. He knows the younger is just worried and wants the best for him.

Seungmin just smiled as he closed the candy jars then crouch down and put it in changbin's cabinet. It was especially made for him, cause he bought that cabinet.

Changbin stared at seungmin's exposed arms, having a tall,buff,handsome who can cook and do anything makes changbin feels like he's the most luckiest man in the world.

Changbin stood up and back hugged seungmin who's fixing the top cabinet. Of course seungmin faced him and hugged back "And... What does my binnie want?"

'Binnie' the first nickname he got from someone, it made him sick cause he hates nicknames but since it came from seungmin he loves it.

"Well I want you to put back my chips in the cabinet- but thats impossible, and the candies you bought me are sugar free...Kiss me it's diabetic" Seungmin chuckled before he leaned his head down to kiss changbin's lips.

Changbin kissed back softly and pulled away after some seconds "let's finish this, I want to watch cartoons" Seungmin nod his head kissed changbin's forehead before going back to what he was doing earlier.


It was cold, well it was for the two but after giving some warmths to each other, the heat quickly replaced the coldness.

Changbin snuggled closer to his boyfriend who's reading something,if he doesn't get any attention at all from his boyfriend, anytime soon he'll get jealous with his books.

'Ah i have an idea!' Changbin smiled as he remove himself from seungmin's embrace and pin him on the bed making seungmin look at changbin cause he literally covered the light.

"Changbin doesn't like your books, throw them away" Even though changbin said that with a straight face,seungmin could tell he's pouting at the same time.

Seungmin's lips turned into a smile
"Was I reading too much? Oh wait. ." He looks at the clock and realized it's been 5 hours.
"Oh sorry binnie you know how much I get distracted by books"

Changbin pouted and went back to seungmin's warm embrace "you're not forgiven, throw them away"

Seungmin smiled and nod his head
"Sure binnie..." Changbin's face lightened up
"Really?! Yay! So--- If you reach my height then I'll do it" Changbin frowned as he bit seungmin's arm.

"Binnie I'm already used to that, it doesn't hurt anymore"


𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐬 (𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬) Where stories live. Discover now