Chapter 3 - The First Task

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"Claudette, where are we going?" Regulus quizzed as he scanned around the dark woods.

"Keep up!" She hissed stepping over the log in her path.

Regulus looked towards Ivan, whose face was barely visible in the pitch black of the forbidden forest.

"Just let the little lady do her thing, Regulus." Ivan quipped.

The bushes dragged against their legs, creating a constant rustling sound.

The crickets went silent from inside the forest, which Regulus figured was their way of keeping themselves hidden from predators.

There was a soft breeze that brushed against Regulus' nose as he walked alongside Ivan.

He wasn't entirely sure how they'd gotten to this point- following Claudette aimlessly through the forbidden forest past curfew.

He had been on rounds by himself as James had been excused from everything for a small champion ceremony, where Ollivander tested each of their wands and declared them fit for the tournament.

Turning the corner he almost collided into Ivan and Claudette, who seemed glad to have run into him.

Furthermore dragging him- blindly might he add- into whatever shenanigans Claudette had found herself in.

Regulus found himself flinching at the crack of sticks under their feet and crunching leaves.

"Shit!" Regulus cursed as he tumbled forward, only to be caught by Ivan who stabled him.

"Thanks." Regulus muttered.

"No problem." Ivan assured the boy.

"Quiet!" Claudette hissed before crouching down.

Ivan and Regulus followed her actions- moving to crouch beside her, looking out over the window made by the brush.

Regulus' eyes widened at the creature in the cage.

A Blast-Ended Skrewt- Regulus was sure, after all he had written an O worthy essay on the species for Care of Magical Creatures.

The creature was incredibly large and resembled that of a giant scorpion with stingers curled over their backs.

It was a dark grey color with an orange tinge and housed a shiny shell of armor that, Regulus remembered, was practically impenetrable.

With a second glance Regulus could tell the Skrewt was a female, as she had a sucker and not a stinger.

If Regulus had anything to be grateful of, it was that James wouldn't die from the lethal poison.

"What the hell is that thing?!" Ivan spat exasperatedly.  

"A Blast-Ended Skrewt. It's a cross-breed of Manticores and Fire Crabs." Regulus explained.

"It's for the first task." Claudette explained.

Ivan furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought the first task had something to do with fire? I don't see any fire."

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