Chapter 9 - Oh Brother

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"I got it! I got it!" Regulus cheered as he rushed down the hall, students sending him all kinds of looks.

He stumbled, his face contorting with fear before arms caught him.

"What are you on about?" Sirius quizzed steadying his brother.

"Nothing." Regulus quipped as an automatic response.

Sirius' eyes traveled to the potion in his hand, "What's that?"

"It's a Gillyweed potion, for James-" Regulus started.

"James? Since when do you call him James?" Sirius quizzed as he furrowed his eyebrows.

Regulus pulled away from Sirius, "What is this? An interrogation?"

Sirius didn't step down, "Why would you willingly help James? You hate Gryffindors."

Regulus laughed coldly, "I don't hate Gryffindor's. You may be house biased, but I am not."

"Could've fooled me", Sirius spat, "That's right it's not Gryffindors- just anyone whose not of the purest blood."

"You don't even know me." Regulus sneered.

"I know you better than you know yourself-" Sirius started.

"You left! You don't know anything because you left!" Regulus spat.

The hall went silent, the audience of students falling back to watch from afar.

"I know everything because you didn't!" Sirius retorted.

"I was fourteen! You asked me to leave behind everything I'd ever known- for what? For you?", Regulus sneered, "At least I knew mother and father didn't love me, but with you I never knew."

"Bullocks! You stayed because like your other scaly buddies, you are a coward!" Sirius yelled.

"You ignored me for years for just being sorted into Slytherin! And while you were gone for your first year I took more beatings than you could imagine, just because you had been sorted into Gryffindor- all for you to ignore me!" Regulus exclaimed.

"I've just been your outlet- a way to take out your hate on our family! Because its easier for you to justify your actions by grouping me with them!", Regulus spat not giving the boy a chance to speak, "I'm the only one who ever loved you and you left me."

"You made your choice." Sirius hissed.

"And you remind me of it every second of every day! I'll never be good enough for you!" Regulus spat, "God, you are just like them!"

Before Regulus could comprehend, Sirius slammed him against the wall- clutching onto his collar.

"What are you gonna do, Sirius? Hit me?" Regulus jeered regaining the breath that'd been knocked out of him.

Sirius glared at him, seeming conflicted, before releasing him.

The smaller boy laughed handing Sirius the potion.

"Tell Jamie I said he's welcome." Regulus quipped spitefully, emphasizing the pet name as Sirius growled at him.

Regulus smirked victoriously as he dusted himself off, heading towards the dorms before dinner.

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