Chapter 5 - Dot, the Family Cat

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"As required, you all must acquire proper instruction on formal dancing." Slughorn announced to the group of students.

Slytherins years four and up, were scattered against the walls and chairs around the room- that was quite like a hall of sorts.

Regulus was enveloped in his sketchbook, doodling his go-to picture of flowers.

He'd rather not focus on Slughorn's yammering or the other Slytherins he'd rather not be around.

"Regulus, my boy, why don't you come up here and give a demonstration." Slughorn suggested as Regulus' head shot upwards.

"Yeah, Regulus, go give us a demo." Barty teased from beside him.

Regulus groaned internally placing his sketchbook where he'd been sitting, before heading towards the center of the room.

"And how about..." Slughorn paused scanning the crowd, "Annalise. Come up and join Mr. Black."

A small, mousy girl appeared joining beside Regulus.

She had pretty green eyes and long, wavy blonde hair and a small scar that cut through her left eyebrow.

"Place your hand here", Slughorn directed as he moved Annalise's hand to rest on Regulus' shoulder, "And you place yours here."

There was a collection of whistles as Slughorn moved Regulus' hand to Annalise's waist.

The two of them grabbed hands, intertwining their fingers of their free hand as the music began.

Annalise's fingers were smaller than his and her grip was tight- from nerves, Regulus supposed.

It wasn't half as nice as when James would hold his hand. Her finger were constantly moving to find the perfect grip.

They swayed, moving in circles and trying to stay in tune with each other.

Regulus found it rather hard- her hands were sweaty, her steps rigid, and worst of all, all she did was look everywhere else but Regulus- making him unsure where he was supposed to look.

Regulus was over it by the time other students had been paired off by the head of house and began dancing around the pair.

Regulus wondered what the Gryffindor lessons were like.

He imagined smiles on everyone's face as they swayed to beautiful upbeat music. James' adorable laugh filling the room as he and Sirius fooled around.

McGonagall would scold them for not taking it serious while Lupin and Pettigrew would laugh at them from the sidelines.

There was no smiling at the Slytherin rehearsals. Unamused looks, apparent on the faces of everyone.

"Hey, Regulus do...", Her sentence fell from Regulus' ears as he spotted Ivan and Claudette teasing him by dancing terrible and laughing from the doorway, "...Yule Ball with me?"

Regulus stepped away as Slughorn dismissed them. He rolled his eyes playfully at the duo.

"Uh yeah, sure." Regulus muttered before rushing off, not entirely sure what'd agreed to.

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