Chapter 14 - Time is Only a Construct

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As it grew darker, Regulus grew antsy- deciding to go find Ivan and Claudette to distract himself.

He headed through the hall that connected the entrance to the bleachers.

The sound of footsteps caused him to snap around.

Nothing but shadows.

Regulus shook it off, blaming it on his anxiety.

He continued walking, only for the footsteps to continue.

He stopped and turned around again.


This time he sped up, turning the corner with speed, only to get pressed against the wall.

The cloaked figure kept a hand on Regulus' mouth and another jabbed a wand into his throat.

"If you want to live, you'll do as I say." The voice hissed.

Regulus tried not to showcase his fear as he stared at the darkness that covered the figure.

The person removed his hand from Regulus' mouth, grabbing his arm before roughly dragging him- the figures wand still poked into his jugular.

The figure walked him towards a wall, pulling something from his pocket and throwing it against the wall.

It popped open leaving some kind of weird portal behind.

The figure dragged him through as they ended up somewhere in the maze.

Regulus spotted the cup, glowing atop a pedestal- signaling they were in the middle of the maze.

The figure pushed him forward as he smacked into an invisible wall.

He hissed as he clutched his nose, fresh blood dripped from it- coating his fingers.

He pushed his hands out in front of him walking in a circle as the invisible wall surrounded him.

He was stuck in some kind of cylinder trap.

He banged on the wall only for it to make a boink sound, a veil of purple appearing wherever he hit.

"Do I know you?" Regulus spat at the figure.

"No, but I know you", The figure spoke in a deep voice, "Where I come from, you are quite the legend. And I have to say, you are nothing like I'd pictured."

"What do you want from me?" Regulus hissed as he banged against the barrier.

"It's not what I want from you, it's what I don't want", The man explained, "let's just say it's not where I'm from, but when that should concern you."

Regulus stepped back, backing into the barrier, "You're from the future?"

"They always did say you were a smart one." The man chuckled as he began walking away.

"Wait!", Regulus called as the man ignored him, "Hey!"

Soon Regulus was alone, the maze grew darker and made noises Regulus didn't even want to think about.

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