Chapter 12 - Calm Before the Storm

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April seemed to dragged on and yet, after the mornings owls, Regulus determined the month hadn't gone on slow enough.

It was like every other morning- Regulus moped silently, while Ivan complained about how early it was and Claudette lectured him for staying up so late.

At some point he'd just laid his head on the table and watch the couple pointlessly bicker back and forth.

That was, until a owl flew over his head releasing a letter that smacked onto his head.

He grumbled under his breath rubbing his head with one hand and holding the letter in the other.

Regulus took a chance to actually look at the letter, his name scrawled out in fancy calligraphy- handwriting he'd recognize from anywhere.

His stomach churned.

His mother hadn't written him at all since he'd arrived, which wasn't surprising as Regulus and his mother did not leave on good terms- seemingly because she cracked thirteen of his ribs just last summer.

He must've noticeably paled- enough for his friends to feel the unease that settled upon his face.

Regulus slipped his finger underneath the flap of the envelope.

He swallowed as he read through her pristine writing and cold words.

'Regulus Arcturus,

The Dark Lord has great plans for you as your seventeenth approaches. As so, you will take the mark and represent the Black family and all it stands for.

Do not mess it up.

Stay out of trouble and don't think I don't know all about your Yule Ball stunt- absolutely embarrassing.

We will speak when the time comes.'

Regulus read the letter over multiple times to make sure he was reading it right.

The mark.

He'd been avoiding the thought for as long as possible, but now it was confirmation that he was trapped- trapped in a future he didn't want.

"Reg, you good?" Ivan quizzed as he and Claudette looked at him worriedly.

Regulus opened his mouth, but before he could say anything he slapped a hand to his mouth and sprinted out of the Great Hall.

He ducked into the closest bathroom before releasing the contents of his stomach.

His mind was fuzzy and his throat burned as a hand rubbed his back comfortingly.

"There you go. Let it all out." Sirius muttered as he removed the letter from the boys hand, allowing Regulus to relax.

Regulus huffed and whined in pain, sitting back into Sirius' lap as he brushed the hair from Regulus' face, while reading the crumpled letter.

"You can't- you can't", Sirius mumbled, his voice cracking, "You can't go back-"

"I have to." Regulus huffed as he tried regaining himself.

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