Chapter 15 - Remember the Meadow Where We First Kissed

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Very brief mentions of mpreg. Don't come at me

James broke the silence as he watched his world fall apart around him.

"No, no, no! Please!" James cried ramming against the barrier.

"We'll be seeing each other very soon, James." The man sneered before slowly fading away.

One last ram into the barrier and it fell.

James scrambled towards Regulus, pulling the boy into his lap.

"Come on, Regulus!", James begged as he shook the boy, "Please!"

Eva stared in shock as she was covered in her brothers blood.

Jacques was furious, all he could see was red- unable to completely grieve his little sister.

"W-What do we do?! Please!" James cried as he looked up at the other, tears streaming down his face.

James sobbed as Jac and Eva shared a look.

Jac levitated the cup towards them as Eva moved Ivan and herself towards James.

Jacques picked up Claudette before joining the pair.

Jacques grabbed one of James' hands, before they all touched the cup.

With a swirl, the trio was back onto the ground.

Oblivious cheers erupted all around them.

James looked up towards McGonagall and Dumbledore as they gaped at them.

"Bring him back!", James begged, "Bring him back!"

The crowd went eerily silent.

Sirius shot up pushing through the crowd as Remus and Peter followed close behind.

McGonagall looked towards Dumbledore, unsure what to do.

"Please! I love him!" James sobbed.

Sirius was by his side in an instant.

Sirius held his finger under Regulus' nose- nothing.

Remus and Peter stepped back, watching in horror.

"Come on kid, breathe." Sirius begged.


Regulus' eye popped open, to see blue skies.

Puffs of white clouds traveled overhead.

Regulus' pushed himself up onto his elbows.

In front of him was a rolling hill of yellow flowers. Willow trees shading the area.

It was oddly silent- no chirping birds, no breeze whistling against the blades of grass.


Regulus scrambled to his feet as he spotted the boy.

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