Chapter 8 - James' First Valentine's Day

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Sirius' newfound curiosity was what made Valentine's Day almost impossible.

Of course Lily and Mary had been on about their girls-only Valentines plans for the past week, leading Sirius to catch wind of it.

Which entail, left James bent out of excuses.

James had tried sneaking off half a dozen times just that morning. To which Sirius would interrogate him and he would eventually give up.

"Where are you going?" Sirius questioned as he leaned against the common room bookshelf.

"Oh, just the library." James shrugged.

"What for?" Sirius questioned, standing his ground.

James wasn't entirely sure what Sirius' problem was, but he just wanted to kiss his boyfriend and wish him a Happy Valentine's Day without the boy breathing down his neck.

"To study?" James stated as more of a question before looking around for Remus to help him, "Where's Moony?"

"I'll come with. I'm sure Moony'll be there." Sirius jeered.

"Actually, you can go. I think I have everything I need in the dorm." James quipped.

Sirius squinted observing the boy curiously.

"Is there something your keeping from me, Prongs?" Sirius questioned.

"Of course not, Pads. I tell you everything." James chuckled brushing off the boys words.

Sirius couldn't believe how the boy could so blatantly lie to his face.

And here James was- attempt number thirteen- this time he'd taken the cloak and map, rushing out as Sirius used the bathroom.

He had little time before Sirius noticed his absence and even littler time before he hunted him down.

James spotted Regulus with Ivan and Claudette, laughing as they sat on the courtyard bench.

James grabbed Regulus' arm pulling him upwards and under the cloak with him.

"I'll bring him back." James explained and Ivan and Claudette stared shocked as Regulus disappeared under the cloth.

Regulus chuckled as James began dragging him speedily into the closest hidden passage.

James slipped the cloak off them as he pressed Regulus against the wall before smashing his lips to the smaller boys.

"Morning." Regulus gleamed at the boy as they pulled away.

James pecked him on the lips, pulling him closer.

"Your brother is infuriating." James groaned.

Regulus snickered, "What'd he did now?"

"I've been trying to sneak away all morning and everywhere I turn he's standing there waiting for me to slip up." James explained.

Regulus' face fell, "You don't think..."

"No. I don't think I'd be left unscathed if he did." James assured the boy.

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