Chapter 16 - Epilogue

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Regulus exited the train to Hogwarts for the last time.

He felt empty as he approached the school.

He'd spent the entire summer with Remus and Lyall, who both treated him like family, it was a nice change.

He got to write James everyday and got a response- almost instantly- compared to previous summers.

He'd heard little from Claudette and Ivan, but he figured it would increase as they started school.

Regulus strayed behind the group of students, leaving quite the distance between him and the group in front.

By the time he reached the castle doors, the hallways had been pretty much cleared out except for two students.

Ivan smirked as he rested an arm on Claudette's shoulder.

Regulus furrowed his eyebrows at the pair.

Ivan wore Gryffindor robes and Claudette wore Ravenclaw ones.

"What are you doing here?" Regulus quizzed.

"Well since you are practically our life support, we'd thought we'd stick around a bit longer." Ivan jeered.

"What? Not excited to see us?" Claudette joked.

"How?" Regulus questioned.

"I've got an aunt that lives close." Claudette explained.

"Eva wanted to stay in London for a bit longer, so I convinced my Pops to let me stay with her." Ivan muttered.

A smile broke out onto Regulus' face.

"Last year", Claudette stated, "You nervous?"

Regulus smiled throwing an arm over both of them as he wedged his way in-between them.

"Do me a favor? Before you go?" Harry quizzed.

"Of course." Regulus quipped.

"Appreciate your friends- they're your net, always there to catch you- believe me, I would know." Harry said with a smile.

Regulus smiled at the boy.

"They always did say good things come in threes." Harry quipped.

"Not anymore." He admitted.

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