Chapter 7 - Champion's Dinner

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"Hey, we're gonna head out- spice up the night a bit, wanna come?" Annalise quizzed.

Regulus knew she meant they were gonna get wasted and high- tempting- but he was ready to get away from the trio.

"No thanks, I'm good. Have fun." Regulus said as Annalise smiled at him, the three girls exiting the Great Hall.

Regulus himself exited too, found himself heading outside into the enchanted grotto of sorts decorated with rose bushes and fairy lights.

By fairy lights- Regulus meant actual fairies, hundreds of them sitting in the rose bushes and fluttering over the statues of Father Christmas and his reindeer.

Regulus relished in the quiet, gazing up into the night sky, glittering with stars.

Arms wrapped around his waist as he leaned back, wrapping his own around theirs.

James rested his head on Regulus' shoulder as he looked up at the stars with the boy.

"Ready for the dinner?" James questioned.

Regulus hummed turning around to look at the boy. He'd ditched the suit jacket, causing both boys to coordinate with cream and black.

Regulus intertwined their fingers, only supporting how much they fit together- unlike with Annalise's- in his mind.

"We should head on or Ivan'll think we had a quickie before dinner." Regulus joked.

James chuckled, pressing a kiss to the side of Regulus' head before pulling him back into the castle.

They headed up to the third floor, where the Room of Requirements was being used for the Champions dinner.

"Oh look, the lovebirds finally decided to show up." Evangeliya teased as James and Regulus entered the room hand-in-hand.

Her dress was probably Regulus' favorite that he'd seen all night.

It was a tan dress with all kinds of gold designs. The gold designs swirled on one shoulder as a sleeve, leading to the sheer tan cape-like part of the dress.

The dress was unique to all the ones he'd seen- in its own simplistic way. It was long and puffy out slightly, but not much at all.

Her dark hair was pulled into a high ponytail, with a piece of hair on her right left out.

Her eyeshadow was shimmery gold, matching her dress. And on her tan neck was a golden locket- Regulus had her with seen since she'd arrived.

"Eva, darling, how was Lockhart?" James asked with a knowing smirk.

Evangeliya groaned, "Absolutely dreadful. He loves talking about himself more than I do."

James chuckled, "I could've told you that."

"Technically, you did." Jacques quipped.

His hair done to perfection, like normal. He wore a baby blue suit- jacket, pants, and overcoat all the same blue color.

The only thing not blue was his white button up underneath it all, that he'd left slightly undone. A single gold chain around his neck.

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