Chapter 13 - The Final Task

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-Five hours till the final task-

Regulus spent the morning with the champions as a send off/ closing of the tournament.

Regulus sat beside James, leaning his head on the boys shoulder as James rubbed his thumb on the back of Regulus' hand- that'd been intertwined with his.

Claudette and Ivan only ever broke apart for air, to which the rest of the group pretty much ignored.

Regulus' favorite part were the chocolate chip scones- warmed to perfection- the chocolate chips melting in every bite.

Every so often James would press a kiss to the top of his head, which was another thing Regulus had grown to love.

"You guys have any plans for after school?" James questioned.

Regulus knew what James would do. Join the war, fight for the good side.

No matter how much it scared Regulus to think, they were being trained to be soldiers.

Soldiers in a war way bigger than they could possibly understand.

"I'm thinking about being a curse-breaker, make all kinds of earth-shattering discoveries." Eva explained.

Regulus had read many articles in the paper of big archeological discoveries curse-breakers had made, but he'd also see his fair share of curse-breaker deaths in the column.

"You have to actually have good scores for that", Ivan scoffed earning him a scone to the head, "Ow!"

"Shut up, Ivan." Eva spat as the boy glared at her rubbing his head.

Claudette stifled her laugh at the scene.

"I'm thinking about staying in London, becoming an Arithmancer- I've always been quite good with numbers." Jacques explained as he sipped his pumpkin juice.

Regulus was aware of only one famous Arithmancer, Bridget Wenlock- due to the book he'd read on Hogwarts alumni.

She had discovered the magical properties of the number seven.

How she'd done it, Regulus had no idea. He'd never wrapped his head around math quite like that.

"What about you, James? Got any plans?" Evangeliya asked.

Regulus wondered if James would be honest- tell them his plans fully revolved around the war.

Regulus didn't know if they were aware of the war. It'd never been a topic they'd ever brought up before.

"Oh, uh- Quidditch. Maybe after things... settle down... and I've gotten my stuff together." James explained.

Regulus was slightly surprised James had chosen to avoid the truth, but then again today wasn't supposed to be burdened by thought of war.

Today was a celebration.


-Three hours till the final task-

"I wish time would just stand still." Regulus admitted.

Ivan was sprawled out across the couch, his head on Claudette's lap and his feet on Regulus'.

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