Chapter 4 - Dates and Confessions

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"How do you expect me to help you open it?" Regulus quizzed as he observed the egg.

"You're great at figuring out riddles- if anyone can crack its code, its you." James assured.

"Crack it's code or crack it, because we both know I'm super-" Regulus sentence fell off as he slipped, falling to the ground as the egg rolled from his hands and into the bath, "...Clumsy."

Regulus pulled his shirt off, before stripping completely.

He stepped into the tub filled with warm, bubbly water- clutching to the side.

He inhaled before going underwater, still holding to the wall.

He was a terrible swimmer and was grateful that the egg didn't require him to get off the wall.

He reached for it, twisting it, as it popped open.

A song began that wasn't the screaching that'd been playing previously.

Regulus' eyes widened in realization before he closed it, swimming to the surface.

He gasped for air as a worried James stood by the edge.

"What were you doing? You could've drowned." James hissed recovering from his mini heart attack.

"You have to listen to this." Regulus huffed holding the egg.

James sighed stripping before joining Regulus.

He swam over to the boy, moving him so Regulus was on his hip.

Regulus' wrapped his legs around James' waist and his arms around the older boys neck.

James dunked them both under as he twisted the egg open.

He prepared himself for the ear-shattering screeching, only to be met with a soft melody.

"Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground, and while you're searching, ponder this", the voice sung, "We've taken what you'll sorely miss. An hour long you'll have to look, and recover what we took, but past an hour- the prospect's black, too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

James closed the egg before pushing the two of them back to the surface, allowing them to fill their lungs.

"We've taken what you'll sorely miss?" James quizzed wondering what they'd take.

"You have an hour to look." Regulus explained.

"How am I supposed to breathe underwater for an hour?" James questioned.

"Easy, a Gillyweed potion. It'll cause you to temporarily grow gills, so you can breathe underwater", Regulus explained, "Lucky you, it just so happens that your boyfriend is a potions master."

"He is, is he?" James jeered playfully, "I had no idea, lucky me I guess."

Regulus chuckled before pecking the boys lips.

"I'll tell Ivan and Claudette tomorrow." Regulus muttered.

James smiled at the boy, pressing a kiss to the side of his head, "It's nice seeing you making friends."

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