Chapter 1.

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*five years ago* 

"I'm really gonna miss you Zayn" I mumbled trying not to cry. "I only have one more day left, what are we gonna do?" I ask trying to hold back me tears.

"You know I'm going to miss you too Dominique, but remember we will keep in touch, and tomorrow will be the best day ever it's going to be so much fun! You have to cheer up! C'mon it's going to be your fourteenth birthday plus there's going to be cake!" He jumps excitedly.

*next day*  

"Happy birthday Domo! I can't believe your leaving tonight... Well we better make this the most amazing day ever! Right?" Zayn ran up to me giving me a big hug. "Here, this is your present. Happy Birthday... again." I open and see a necklace that has an infinity sign and it has ruby rhinestones, my favorite colour. "Next time I see you I want you to be wearing this, okay?" I nod.

*Present time*

"Dominique! Guess where we're going next weekend!?!?" My best friend yelled running in my house tripping on the couch. She walks it off and with that she goes to the kitchen and start grabbing all the food from my fridge and eats it. For a five foot seven girl who only weighs one fifteen, she eats like a cow. If she didn't do water polo with me then she would be like two hundred pounds.

A lot of people think we're twins because we are both pretty tan, and the same height, the difference is I have brown eyes she had hazel eyes, and curlier hair than her, but it's the same color and same length. Besides that I can see the resemblance.

"You are going with me to a concert, alright? It's gonna be the best concert ever!!! I got tickets to One Direction! Front Row and Backstage tickets! I get to meet my boyfriend! Oh my god! I'm gonna die! We have to go get our hair done, nails done, and go buy new clothes, we have three days! Holy shit I can't believe I get to go meet them!" She keeps rambling about One Direction shit. She finally stops talking and looks at me with narrow eyes. "Hey, I've always wanted to ask but a chance to... wear did you get that necklace. It's really pretty!" She calmly says. Yes, she has ADHD, but its ok because that's another thing we have in common. I look at Benny who's twirling her long curly brown hair that falls right above her belly button.

I look down at the necklace that's hanging down from my neck and hold it in my hands. "Uh, I got it from this boy in England when I lived there. He told me that the next time I see him, I have to be wearing this. I have never taken it off since then." I try to hold back the tears. I can't believe I lost my best friend. He was such an amazing friend and I still miss Zayn. He was my other half and I still want him in my life. Sad thing is I probably will never see him again. Maybe I should stop wearing the necklace, it's kind of old and a bit rusty

I look at Benny and see her crying on the floor. "That is so emotional! I can't believe you still wear that, that is so cute! What's his name?" Yes, she is a bit dramatic.

"Zayn." She stares at me with a blank expression.

"Zayn? Like Zayn Malik? Holy fuck! You know who that is? That is a memb--"

"Dominique, Benny let's go! I have to drop you off!" My mum yells from far away. We walk to the garage and see her strapping in Olivia to her car seat.

Olivia is my baby sister, she just turned one a couple months ago. She has the brightest blue eyes and the blondest hair. I get in the passenger seat and buckle up thinking where we're going. "You have your suit, right?" I nod remembering we have to go to water polo try outs. "Remember girls, this is really important. You need to show the National Coaches of the Olympic team that they need to pick you two to be on the team. You girls got this. I know you do"

This makes me really nervous. This is to see if we make it on the National Team for the Olympics. We've been dreaming this ever since we met. I see us pulling in to the aquatics center and my mum parks. I look out the window seeing these huge girls walk inside. We are skinny but built with mostly muscles. We step out of the car and start walking to the pool. I look and see the line to sign in, not long but not short. We stand there waiting till we get to the front of the line.



"Benny, real name, Sabrina."

"Okay, thank you. You may warm up in the pool and good luck!"

We walk into the direction of the locker room. Set our stuff inside and start getting our stuff ready to jump in the pool. I take off the necklace and put it in my bag. We walk out feeling the warm air hitting our bare skin and inhale the smell of chlorine. I put my hair in a pony tail and Benny puts it in a messy bun. We put our caps on and swim a couple laps. We get balls and start passing with each other.

I hear the coach blow the whistle which means to start shooting. Since Benny has the ball I jumped out of the water and got my own ball. "I have a massive pain in my left wrist, it really hurts." I complain to Benny. I broke my wrist a couple years back but I still have pain in it.

"Just stretch you'll be fine." I nod. I start twirling my wrist in circles, feeling the pain. After we shoot a couple times we got a ten minute break. We went to our bags and got water. Then sat down to relax. "So are you excited?! I know I am!!  

I can't wait to meet my future boyfriend!!" Everybody in the locker room is staring. Now it's really awkward.

"Uh, who is your 'boyfriend'?" I ask.

"Liam, duhh!"

"You said he has a girlfriend..."

"They broke up! Now I can finally have him."

"Alright, well our ten minutes are almost up. Lets get back outside." We walk outside seeing everybody doing last minute things like making phone calls, putting sunscreen, or drinking gallons of water.

We here the coach blow the whistle telling us to get back in the water. I jump in and grab one of the balls that were floating in the water. Then I notice everybody was just talking so I took this opportunity to warm up more. Swimming to Benny, I grab the top of her suit from the back and brought her to the goal. We started shooting. In high school we were known for our shooting. I take a look behind me and see the coach walking toward us. Uh oh! Are we not suppose to be shooting?

I ignore it and keep shooting the ball. Right when I picked up the ball to shoot it, I see the coach in front of the goal. "Girls, come here." He asks. We hop out of the water and walk closer to him. "You two have a very good arm, I want you two to be in the first scrimmage. It's going to be in fifteen minutes. So please rest and I'll see you two soon."

Fifteen minutes past and we start the scrimmage. I watched these people warm up. They are not that good. I was first sprinter and Benny was on the opposite side because she's a lefty. They always stay on the right side of the goal no matter what.  

After a horrible hour of the scrimmage, we end up winning fifteen to zero. Benny and I made most of them. I look at the clock and it is already five o'clock. We get out of the water and put our jumpers on. Then call my mum to pick us up. They say they will call us tomorrow around eight in the morning to say if we make the team or not. What if I don't make the team? What will I do then? Putting all my thoughts aside I start digging in my bag and grab my necklace to put it on.

My mum finally picks us up and takes us to our favourite place. Starbucks! I walk in and see a huge crowd. All I hear is girls screaming. Great! I just want to buy my coffee. I start pushing the screaming girls and make it to the front of the line. "Hi, I would like a venti carmel macchiato." I tell the cashier.

"And I would like a venti carmel frappaccino. Please." Benny smiles big and flutter her eyelashes at the cashier. This would be very awkward if we didn't know him. "Hey Chris, what's going on?" She asks.

"Oh One Direction, that boy band, is here." I look and see five hot boys signing stuff and taking pictures. Then one catches my eye. He is perfect. His short blackish/brownish hair is perfect. His big brown eyes are perfect. The way he smiles, and laughs is adorable. The thing I love most is his tattoos and his ear piercings. But there is something more about him, I just don't know what it is.

"H-hey uh Benny, who's that guy?"

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