Chapter 14

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"There's good news and bad news." The nurse pauses and takes a deep breath and let's it out quickly. "The good news is that he will live but..." He sighs and looks down at his clipboard.

"God damn it! Can you just say what's wrong with my brother!" I raise my voice. Liam puts his arm on my shoulder gently and starts tugging on it, warning me to calm down. "S-sorry, I didn't mean to yell sir. I'm getting kinda impatient. I just want my brother to be alright."

"He will be alright but he may need a heart transplant. Well most likely he will need one." He explains without breaking eye contact with his clipboard.

"How did this happen! Was it cause he tries to, you know, hurt himself?" Dominique tightens her grip on her plate.

"No, he would've needed it anyways. Looking at the files I see his dad also needed it, a guy by the name of Jake Sheilds offered to do the surgery. It was his first son, it was really brave of him." First son? My dad only had three kids... Tony, Josh, and me. There is no way I had another brother that I didn't know about. "So I contacted his parents and they are on their way. I'm so sorry about your brother."

"It's fine, it was suppose to come sooner or lat-"

"I'll do it!" Dominique interrupts me. Oh hell no! I'm not gonna lose my best friend. I should be the one to do it.

"No I'll do it." I offered. I could never let her do it. "Dominique you deserve to live. Don't feel bad because he made a choice to hurt himself. He may blame it on you but it's not your fault."

"How did you know he blamed it on me? Did he tell you about the note?" Dominique stiffens her body. She looks down and takes two pieces of paper out of her back pocket. She unfolds one letting a droplet of her tear hit the paper. Once she looks at me, I shake my head. "Oh um never mind." She crumples the paper and throws it in the trash can closes to her.

"Dominique what's the note for?" I step closer to her. Tears threatening to leave my eyes. No response. "Dominique! What the hell is the note for!" I yell.

"Please Benny, lower your voice." Liam grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"No I'm not gonna lower my voice!" I yank my hand out of Liam's and point it to Dominique.

"Go to the trash can and get that paper now!" Obeying my order, she reaches for the note and hands it to me.

"This was on his side when I found him drenched in blood. He wanted me to give this to you, and I was... Well eventually. I just didn't want you to think this is all my fault, I'm sorry Benny. I just don't want to lose you too." Not listening to a word she says I rip it out of her hand and start reading it.

Dear Benny,

My lovely and beautiful twin sister. I love you so much but I had to go. It just doesn't feel right without Dominique. I couldn't take the pain and aching. My death had nothing to do with you, it's between Dominique and I. I hope this doesn't ruin your friendship. You guys have the strongest relationship ever. I will see you soon. Please don't let this effect anything with Dominique, your new boyfriend, and the teams. I love you lots!

Love your twin brother,

Josh Sheilds

I look up at Dominique and shove the paper back at her. Quickly turning around I hear footsteps chasing after me.

"Benny please wait, let me explain!" She grabs my arm and starts yanking at it. I stare at her and give her the "go on" look. "Okay I know this looks bad but I was just scared that you would be mad if you saw it and you are. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay I guess, well for now but we need to find out who will do the surgery by tonight because he needs it tomorrow morning."

"Zayn offered but I said no of course cause he obviously can't do it, I can do it, I mean I deserve it."

"No shut up, I might have to, my brother deserves to live so yeah." I look down thinking if today will really be my last day.

"You can't do it seriously. I can't live without my best friend. I need you Benny. I really do need you." She aggressively grabs me and gives me a tight hug. "You can't leave me, please."

"I'm sorry but I am. I have to. I'm gonna tell the doctor right now. Just go talk to Rion and Paloma, tell them what's happening. I don't think they know." She didn't make eye contact with me she just left.

I rush down the hall trying to find the doctor. "Oh doctor, thank goodness I found you. I would like to do the surgery."

"Ah Miss Benny Sheilds, the twin sister. Are you sure about this? I know it's a tough decision but don't feel pressured to do this." I nod hesitantly. "Alright I will need you to sign a couple things and we will schedule the surgery." He hand me a pen and set a packet of papers on the desk next to us. "Sign here, here, and here." Pointing to the blank spots on the paper. "Thank you miss Sheilds. We will see you at eight in the morning tomorrow. You are a very brave girl." And with that he leaves me in an empty hall way.



Sorry I haven't update in a while. This story might have slow updates for on now but I'm not sure.

Weird fact about me:

I can eat my salad with sour cream

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