🔪 Chapter 10: I SEE YOU (UPDATED)

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Edited on: 02/10/2024

Aurora's POV

College is indeed different from high school. Instead of taking a class for one hour, it will take two or three hours just to listen to the teacher, discussing the lecture.

It's only the first day, first period and some of the students are getting sleepy. Well, I guess because the first period is three hours long, in the morning.

I'm a bit sleepy as well but I have to pay attention to the lecture. In high school,  you'll get in trouble for taking a nap or not paying attention to the teacher.

But in college, I guess it doesn't matter if you pay attention or not. I guess as long as you attend the class and turn in your assignments, you're okay and still pass the class. For some, at least.

I check the time on my watch and I can't believe time flies so fast when you don't glance up at the clock, or turning your phone on, or check your watch on your wrist.

I looked to my left and I saw Cora with her eyes focused on the lesson, writing down notes on her notebook.

Then I looked to my right and I saw Leo just doodling on his sketchbook.

I went back to listen to the teacher and from the corner of my eye, I could sense Leo putting his pencil down and he looks at his watch.

I looked back at him and he tapped on his watch three times and he pointed at the ceiling and then...


The bell rang and the teacher dismissed us.

"We'll continue this lesson next meeting. No homework." The teacher said.

"Thank god," Leo said, under his breath and he quickly packed up his stuff before walking away to the door.

"What's your next class, Aurora?" Cora asked.

"Um... General Mathematics, Mr. Miller."

"Oh, me too. Guess we have the same class again." She said.

"Let's walk to our next class together then," I suggested.

I turned to look at her and she batted her eyes.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"We are going to the same class after all. Let's get going, we only have a few minutes to move to the next class. I don't mind it." I said.

"Okay." She said with a hint of excitement.

I just smile and we head out of the room.

Steven's POV

It's only the first day and the bathrooms are already filthy. Some things never changed since high school.

I remember back in Richfield, whenever I walked into the bathrooms, the floor was covered with dirty footprints, and some toilet paper scattered on the floor and sometimes I would find a condom or two in one of the trash cans of a stall.

I cleaned up one of the bathrooms and I have to move to the next bathroom.

Students are scattered walking in different directions, going to their next classes or something.

My eyes wander around and I look from left to right if I can spot Aurora anywhere.

But of course, I have to continue doing my work so I keep my head down so I won't look obvious.

I walk past two students and I look up and I spot a familiar girl and my eyes widen.

I look back and I miss them since a lot of students are walking around, blocking my way.

I let out a sigh and continued to walk away.

Aurora's POV

I don't want to give a lot of details ever since our next classes started since all I do is sit down and listen to the lecture while taking down notes.

I only have two classes with Cora first thing in the morning and for the next two classes, I'm on my own.

I can't believe this is what I'll be doing for the next four years before graduation.

I guess some things will stay the same every day for all of us.


The bell rang and it was time for lunch. My phone on my desk lit up and I picked it up.

It's a text message from Heather, and she's asking where my class is located so we can go to lunch together.

I texted her back, telling her that we could just meet up at the front doors of the cafeteria.

I pack my things and head out of the room, going to the cafeteria.

As I head out of the room, I almost bump into someone. It's a janitor.

"Sorry," I said.

"Nah, it's my bad." The janitor said, looking down.

He lets me through and I walk away from him.

My phone rang and it was a call from Eddie.

"Hello, Eddie?"

"Hey, babe. Heather texted me that we'll just meet up at the front doors of the cafeteria, is that right?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you there."

"Okay, see you."

We ended the call and I continued walking, on my way to the cafeteria.

Steven's POV

"Hello, Eddie." I looked up and I saw a girl with her back facing me and I think I found Aurora.

I looked down when she apologized.

But that doesn't matter. I look up at the door number and subject and I quickly pull out my phone and take note of it.

After that, I look back and Aurora is nowhere to be found.

Well, at least I know where her last class is located before lunchtime.

I look at the door one more time and head off.

'Can't wait to see more things about Aurora.'

Edited on: 02/10/2024


Hello there! I know it's been a while but I finally updated a new chapter. Sorry for the long wait.

Hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll update a new chapter as soon as possible.

Also, I made a new book where I can give some advice on anything. Don't worry, it's a safe place and I won't mention your username. Just send me a private message and I'll try my best to help.

Btw, did you get the code to see the title of this new chapter? Just wanna do something new hehe.

It's titled "A Piece of Advice".

It's titled "A Piece of Advice"

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Feel free to check it out!

See you in the next chapter!


Edited on: 02/10/2024

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