4 : Infatuation

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|Next morning|

Y/N's POV ~

I woke up early , exercised a bit , feeling fresh, I wore this and reached my university..

I woke up early , exercised a bit , feeling fresh, I wore this and reached my university

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I entered the class greeting everyone , I saw taehyung sitting at the last seat..I was walking towards him..suddenly..
a "social butterfly" took a seat beside him..

Ji Eun - 'annyeong tae oppa'...she said in cringey voice...' I want to invite you to my house party , you should come as only good looking people are invited '..she said side eyeing me..and clinged on him

Taehyung - No thanks , I'm not interested in hanging out with a bunch of fake beauties moreover I have assignments to complete..Now , get up ,this is y/n's seat
he said focusing in his book while

Ji Eun - 'oppa'..again cringey voice...'are you rejecting my offer for this overhyped weirdo'..she said giving me disgusting look

Y/n - Yaaah , how dare you call me that!

Suddenly bell rang and teacher entered the class...Ji Eun scoffed at me and went out stomping her feet

I finally took a seat beside him

Y/n - AnNyeOng tAe OpPa~..I imitated her voice and we both laughed at that cringe

It's my fist time seeing him laugh..

How can someone look this angelic while laughing..I thought

As today we sat together , we got to chitchat a bit but he didn't really open up to me as much as I did...

Evening time -

Taehyung came again for completing the assignment and this time my mother opened the door , they both greeted each other..I introduced them to each other and we started our work in my living room
My mom served us snacks and I swear, I've never seen someone looking this cute while eating...I wanted to pinch his bread cheeks..but I controlled myself anyhow

but I controlled myself anyhow

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To continue the conversation , I asked'How come you're two years older than me while we are in same class?'

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To continue the conversation , I asked
'How come you're two years older than me while we are in same class?'

'Because you joined earlier than others and I joined late !'...he replied and I nodded in agreement

Skip to a week -

A week has passed and a lot has happened , we presented our project and we got second place..we were satisfied by it , we got closer than we thought we would be , I don't know what he think of me as he still doesn't initiate the talks but always reply humbly

All this makes me curious about him , I want to know everything about him , maybe I'm attracted to him

Taehyung's POV ~

Finally this project bullshit is done , should I start ignoring her now?..
But I can't even resist her existence yet alone her smile! I feel happiest when I'm with her..what is she doing to me ? I must not have feelings for her but being 'just friends' with me wouldn't hurt her , right !?

Author's POV ~

Both were thinking about each other laying in their bed before getting in a deep slumber..


Hey Armys..

This story maybe going slow at the start but you will enjoy the upcoming parts..

Btw what do you guys think..will they fall in love or is it just a temporary infatuation??🤔

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