13 : Hangout to Date

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Taehyung's POV~

Since that day , I feel relieved now I think I still have a chance with her...I have to make her mine before she start hating me again

Taehyung - "Would you like to go out with me? I mean can we hangout as friends!? " I texted her..

Y/n - "Sorry! I'm busy"..she again rejected

'God she's so stubborn'..I thought

After a couple of minutes , she again texted

Y/n - "But I can spare some time on one condition.."

Taehyung - ??

Y/n - your that friend from last time...bring him too and I'll bring AeReum! I'll not go alone with you!

Taehyung - condition accepted!👍

I told Jimin hyung and he was more than happy...I didn't expected it tho..

Y/N's POV~

I got a text from Taehyung..he asked me out and ofcourse I refused thinking "I'm not a easy girl Mr.Kim"

But then I remembered how happy AeReum was for few days after meeting Tae's friend and how she wishes to meet him again...
"as a bestfriend I can do this much for her "..I thought and texted Taehyung if we four can hangout together and he agreed

I told AeReum and she literally jumped over me for a guy

It's saturday afternoon and we all decided to meet in a local famous cafe

( Y/n's outfit )

( AeReum's one )

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( AeReum's one )

(And yeah these are our boys 😚👇)

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(And yeah these are our boys 😚👇)

(And yeah these are our boys 😚👇)

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We introduced each other briefly...now Jimin seems to be a nice guy atleast not as cold or secretive as Taehyung...and I saw AeReum and Jimin being shy and flirting with each other

After having light snacks we were fighting where to go next..

Jimin - Let's go for a movie! VIP seats on me!

AeReum - No , Club is better...we could talk and enjoy more there

Y/n - But club opens at night so what about amusement park?🌝

Jimin and AeReum together said 'Boring' while Taehyung was unbothered
We again started arguing..

Taehyung - Hyung and AeReum can first go to movie then club meanwhile me and y/n can go to amusement park...we will join you later in club!

He suggested and I protested but AeReum agreed with the boys and I glared at her but she pleaded pointing jimin with her eyes....and I had to agree

Now Jimin and AeReum left in AeReum's car while me and Taehyung left in Taehyung's car

"How sly! He changed this hangout in a date!"..I thought while side eyeying him

Finally we reached the amusement park, we enjoyed the rides , the shops , street food..We were having fun atleast I was fully energetic

"I want to ride this ferris wheel"...I pointed towards it

He took my hands and said "let's go then"

While we were sitting in it he asked " you still like these childish things"

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While we were sitting in it he asked " you still like these childish things"

Y/n - hmm..coz I haven't changed a bit , you are the only one who has changed

Taehyung - ' I had to'...he said lightly

Wheel suddenly stopped when we were on the high top then he looked into my eyes and said

"I was a loser back then but I promise I will never make you cry , I'll do everything we couldn't do that time , I still love you and will always do!"

I couldn't process anything , I just wanted to jump down from there , I was scared of getting feelings again

Y/n - If you are saying all this because your heart feel heavy and you want my apology then fine , I forgive you..but don't say things that lead me wrong

We just looked at each other...he was about to say something but his phone rang

To be continued...


Hey peeps!

Read the first para again! 👀

Anyways...plz vote, comment and share 💜 lovelies

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