26 : Apalling Secrets

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I opened the first drawer and found a handgun! "Woah , it's heavy! Is it beretta M9!?" "Oh! why the letter 'V' is carved on it? What does it mean?"

I was fascinated by that pistol but I shrugged off my curiosity thinking "it's pretty common for rich people to keep guns for their safety"

Well , today is saturday...I don't have office but Taehyung does , So I'm home alone right now..
I called my cousin...yes , the one I told you about earlier

Y/n - Eonni , how are you? Are you busy?

Cousin - I'm fine and yeah I'm a little busy with work...what happen?

Y/n - Oh nothing , I just wanted to meet you and joon seo (her 6 y/o child)...since you're busy , Can I pick up joonie? , I'll play with him , I'll take care of him , Also I'll make him study... please don't say no

Cousin - okay , okay y/n..I have no problem but if he bothers you , just give me a call , ok?

Y/n - yesss , Thank you Eonni !

I cut the call , got ready..I gave a call to Taehyung to tell him, I'm going outside but he didn't pick up..nevermind , I picked up the kid and came back

Joon - Wow , Aunt y/n..your house is so big

He sounds so cute..I smiled at him and said

Y/n - yes babyboy , you can come anytime to play with me

We then played with his toys , I helped him with homework , made him snacks , he is such a good kid...looking at his adorable activities I thought "Some day , Tae and my baby will also appear in our lives to make it happier"...after spending whole afternoon with him , I sent him back

Now , along with house maids , I'm cleaning the mess we made in the house..
While cleaning , I accidentally impinged to a ball , it kept rolling and I followed it...the ball stopped right at the basement door

Though Tae told me it's just a storage room with useless dump but still my inquisitive mind wants to check-in there..

I opened the door slowly , went down the stairs , it was so dark..I couldn't see anything so with the help of my phone's flashlight , I found switchboard and turned the lights on..The Fuck!!

It was NOT a simple storage room..It was something else..there were some wooden chairs at the corner , broken and wrecked...big heavy ropes , a drop light hanging on mid of the ceiling , also there were various strange and eerie tools , I dare not to touch..
The basement was filled with some kind of awful iron-like smell..I looked down on the floor and my heart dropped , the whole floor was covered with patches of dried blood and also some semi-dried blood around one chair...I screamed and ran back up..

Hearing my scream , two servants came running towards me..I asked them "What's that place?" pointing my finger to basement but they just stood there with there heads hung down..I jerked one maid.."What the hell was that , tell me !?"..no one spoke up

I ran to my room , I was so nauseated by that smell and that scene..I threw up! Then I washed my face and sat down on bathroom floor to calm myself down..during that time ,
I reminded all the things that seems off about Taehyung...

After a minute or two , I stood up and dashed to his home office hoping to find something..I hastily searched his office but nothing except big files and folder could be seen...I saw a big locker at the back.. obviously it was locked so I tried different passwords...who knew it's password would be that easy..
it was the date, he left me for his 'personal reasons'

The locker was crammed with a huge pile of money , behind that some small pouches of white powder , I took a pouch and checked.."drugs!?"

My world turned upside down , never in my life I thought , I would be engaged in all these things..I didn't want to believe what I'm seeing and what I'm thinking..

"I have to talk to Tae about this"..I said ruffling my tangled hair back from my face..without even looking at my condition , I drove to his company...I rushed to his cabin in hope to find him but it was vacant...
I called him but again he didn't pick up..
"Where the hell are you?" I said to myself

While waiting for him..I opened his desk
drawer and found another pistol of same design , same look again with letter 'V' carved in it..I was lost in connecting everything in my confused AF mind..someone slowly opened the door

I looked up and it's the last person I want to see right now...his secretary


Omooo.. what's happenin' here!?

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