10 : Not Again!!

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Author's POV~

Today is 56th anniversary of 'Nexon' , company where y/n work..
All the board members , shareholders and business partners are invited
Also collaboration of two big companies is going to be announced

Y/N's POV~

I'm rolling on bed lazily , not wanting to get up and dressed for today's event..Also , I don't want to face him again but I just can't refuse to go...My Job doesn't allow me to rest 😣

4:00 pm-

Since party starts at 6:00 pm..I have to get ready now..so I took a bath and I selected one dress from my closet.. I'm not in a mood to go so it took me time to get ready

 I'm not in a mood to go so it took me time to get ready

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(Change/add the accessories if u want)

I got dressed and now I'm doing my makeup..
I generally don't apply too much of it but why am I caring about it today..stop it
y/n..I brushed off my thought and moved out of my house to reach the event

-At Venue-

"Woah.. it's good that I came..here should be variety of delicious food..I can sense it yesss!"...my thoughts excited me

Soon I joined my boss and a Japanese businessman..guess what? I am a free translator!

While I was talking to them , someone caught my eye , Kim Taehyung..."this guy has gotten more attractive with time!"

His secretary was clinging on him..she looks so childish and I can see Tae is in discomfort because of her but how does it matter to me..huh!...I chuckled and continued with my work

( You guessed right! She is that clingey bish)

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( You guessed right! She is that clingey bish)

Then I felt someone watching me..Taehyung was literally checking me out!

Conversation between boss and japanese man was over so does my job and my boss was praising me

Boss - thank you child! I will give you a pay raise for this job!

Y/n - C'mon uncle, you say this everytime ..I don't believe you now

*Oh I forgot to tell you that my boss is also my father's childhood friend and we are like family since I was ever born

Boss - fine then , since you don't believe me..No pay raise!

Y/n - hawww...

Suddenly we saw Taehyung coming towards us!

Boss - y/n child , he is a dangerous man , so keep a distance from him at the same time Don't disappoint him , it's important for business

I nodded but still I was confused why he called him 'dangerous'

Taehyung - Good evening Mr. Choi and miss y/n

Boss - Good evening Mr. Kim! Are you enjoying the party?

Taehyung - Yes I am but I will appreciate it if you let me get to know this young lady here

Boss - yes why not! ask her anything..

Taehyung - I meant Alone!...he stated calmly

I looked at him with narrow eyes while Boss looked at me and left..

Taehyung - Hii ! How have you been?

Y/n - I'm fine , I'm good , better than ever!

Taehyung - "Do you still remember me?"...he asked politely while I was mad at him

Y/n - How can I forget someone who first rejected me then took my virginty still not enough left me all alone next day...

My eyes started getting numb remembering all that while his eyes softened

Taehyung - But I never rejected you-

Before he could complete his clingey secretary came and linked her arm with his..and by now fumes of my anger turned into fire

Y/n - "Thanks for your partnership with our company..please enjoy yourself Mr.Kim"....I said looking at him and his secretary
and stormed out before he could see me crying

Taehyung - y/n...

He jerked off his secretary's hand and ran before me but too late , I drove off in my car

*While driving I was crying and talking to myself like an insane person

What the f*ck! Why is he back in my life?
To ruin it again? Can't he see me happy?
I moved on from him then why seeing him close with other girl breaking my heart like this!! I don't want to see you again tae....
my nose was running and professional me was suddenly looking like heartbroken schoolgirl!


Hii guys! 🖐️ Sorry for late update!

Since only my friends are reading this ff rn...I wanted them to request me for update but I ended up getting beaten 🙂

I'll try not to be late from next time..luv u guys ☺️🤗 and listen to above mentioned songs for better experience!

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