17 : Million Dollar Dessert

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Taehyung's POV~

Taehyung - Will you marry me miss y/n? Will you let me be your man forever?

I finally asked her but what's taking her long to answer? Is she that shocked?

Y/n - Yes , I will!

She said smiling..yess finally no more waiting! I stood up to hug her but she put her hand in between and said

Y/n - But..I will not go against my parents in case they won't like you

What the fuck!😑..I thought

Y/N's POV~

He asked me and I couldn't believe..I turned around to think about it..Did he just proposed me to marry him? Oh god! I am so happy but it is no fun saying yes just like that, let's have some fun hehe...I turned again and said yes with a condition which doesn't really matter coz my parents allowed me to marry anyone I want once I'm independent but he doesn't know that lol..I was busy in my thoughts making fun of him

But he suddenly took my hands , put them on his torso , pulled me closer by my waist , gliding our cheeks together , he whispered softly near my ears

Taehyung - Do you really think your parents would reject me? I mean your mother already saw her son-in-law in me.. years ago

He chuckled lightly and my eyes widened when suddenly his lips landed on mine... I melted under his touch and kissed him back , tasting those soft lips again after years made me greedy but I controlled myself and let that be the moment
After sharing a steamy yet soft kiss , we pulled back

Taehyung - This is the million dollar dessert , I would get to have after every dinner from now on...soon to be wifey

He referred to the kiss...I flustered hearing the word wifey and I attacked his chest jokingly with my little fist

Y/n - Don't be cheesy Taetae otherwise I will have to change my decision

Taehyung - Taetae!?...he asked being flustered

Y/n - Yes , Taetae... don't you like this nickname?

Taehyung - No! I mean Yes! I really like it but it is giving me Déjà vu !

We both smiled at each other remembering how he blushed in college time when I first called him 'taetae'

We had a nice time and decided to meet my parents after a week

| 6 days later |

I told AeReum about the date and his proposal and the way she reacted..I don't think she likes Taehyung that much 🙂 but anyways..today I'm going to my parent's house

- At Parent's house -

It's afternoon and I am finally going to tell my parents

Y/n - Eomma...Do you remember Taehyung...my classmate back in college

Eomma - Ooh yes yes , I remember that sweet boy...what about him?

Y/n - Eomma , Appa he....he likes me...he proposed me to marry him 👉👈

Appa - What!? Who is this boy? I never met him! How do you know if he is a good guy? I don't agree!

Eomma - Yeobo! Why are you creating a fuss about it! I met him multiple times when they were younger , he was already handsome that time , now he must be more attractive...and I also told him that he would be perfect son-in-law for me

Appa and y/n - WHAT!?

It clicked me why he said that on our date..aishh

Y/n - EOMMA! Do you know how embarrassing this is !😣

Eomma - what's so embarrassing in this?

Appa - Stop it you both! Let me talk to

Sitting in front of me , he held both my hands and asked

Appa - y/n , child what do you think about this? Do YOU like him? Are you really ready for marriage? And with him?

I nodded my head in yes , I was little shy to admit but I continued

Y/n - I like him too appa and yes I want to marry him too

"Well..he will come tomorrow to meet you both..so test him for me !"

I said and went running towards my room..GOD..it isn't easy to talk to your parents on topics like this

Eomma - After rejecting so many guys we suggested..she is finally ready to marry someone

Appa - You women just care about looks..A guy should be much more than that..I will not go easy on him

Eomma - I wish , I also thought this much before marrying you! Huh!

Appa - Am I that bad?...he said hugging her

Eomma - No..but you better be easy on that poor boy tomorrow

Appa - ok ok jagii

I heard their cute convo , I'm happy , I wish me and taehyung would be happy couple like this with no pain , no secrets...


Hey cuties!

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