6 : Regret or Not!?

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| Next morning |

Author's POV~

Y/n was sleeping peacefully while Taehyung woke up by chirping of birds in her balcony..

He felt something resting on his arm...it was y/n , his first love from whom he is going to separate soon..

He was capturing her innocent face in his mind through his eyes while a tear escaped his eyes at the thought of leaving her..

He was capturing her innocent face in his mind through his eyes while a tear escaped his eyes at the thought of leaving her

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he wanted to hug her tightly for last time but couldn't wake her up

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he wanted to hug her tightly for last time but couldn't wake her up...he carefully removed his hand which was beneath her and cleaned up himself and her room..

Then he took a notepad from the drawer and wrote something

Before leaving, he covered her partly exposed body with the duvet and gently kissed her forehead while his eyes filled with tears.

Before leaving, he covered her partly exposed body with the duvet and gently kissed her forehead while his eyes filled with tears

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Y/N's POV~

I woke up with a light sting in my head..I looked beside me hoping to find taehyung sleeping but he was not there..

"He must be in bathroom"..I thought
I called his name but no one responded..I scrunched my eyebrows when I took a notice of my tablestand..

There was a glass of water and a hangover pill besides it there was a note..

There was a glass of water and a hangover pill besides it there was a note

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I couldn't understand anything...I got up from my bed though my lower body was still numb...I searched for him everywhere , I called him , I texted him...
but his number doesn't even exist now..

My whole body was aching but not more than my heart..

I was filled with different emotions..
I was sad , angry , disgusted by myself...
at last...I was scared..

Millions of thoughts were running around my head..

I did the same mistake my cousin did!

What if I get pregnant? I lost my parent's trust..how will I tell them? Where the hell is he? How can he leave me in this state when I already told him about my insecurities!

After few hours, I cleaned myself , I called AeReum to my place...she is the only one , I could lean on right now..

*AeReum arrived

AeReum - Omo! Baby what happened ? You look miserable! Are you alright?

Y/n - I am not okay..I cried..I told her everything , including that note which is now I pasted in my personal diary and she was shocked

AeReum - How can you!?..she sighed and continued..I could be the one doing this but you!? You always said "no sex before marriage"..and I cried more..
I should not have left you with that shady bastard... I'm sorry y/n..

Y/n - why are you sorry... it's my fault and now I'm worried AeReum..what if I get pregnant?..I was crying mess now

AeReum - I'm with you girl, whatever happens

*I cried hugging her

|three weeks later|

My period due date is surpassed...Idk if it will be late or I am pregnant..so I decided to take a pregnancy test..

I didn't have courage to face the result alone so again I bothered my bestfriend..

Before starting the test...I was freaking out...I don't want to regret my whole life..

And the test was "negative"

I can't explain how relieved I felt..I told AeReum and she released a deep sigh hugging me..

| Same night|

I was lying in my bed..All the incidents happened in past month replayed in my head...

Where are you taehyung? Is everything you wrote in that note true? Should I wait for you ?
No! I will not wait for you, Though I don't hate you...I can't forgive you either!!


Hey folks!💜

I'm feeling bad for both of them 😣 , you too?

Plz vote, share and comment to encourage me to write more🤗

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