11 : Saved Her

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Y/N's POV~

After that party , some days have passed.. I've not seen or heard about Taehyung in these days but still.. to distract myself from his thoughts , I again immersed myself into work..

Honestly , I don't know about distraction or not but this office work and projects has tired me out completely...So I decided to take a lil break and treat myself...No , not shopping or something but FOOD!

-Night time-

I was in my nightwear but I'm too lazy to change so I went to grab some dumplings and soju from nearby shop..

I was in my nightwear but I'm too lazy to change so I went to grab some dumplings and soju from nearby shop

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While returning to home , I realised two men were following me and no one was there to help if needed so I speeded up but they caught my wrist and started passing filthy comments.. "What are you doing? Who are you?"..I yelled

They were half drunk..I tried to free myself but they were strong...I was struggling suddenly I felt free...I turned my head right and there was he , Taehyung...he punched those men hard , they returned one or two punches but he took them to a side and said something..they literally ran off!

Y/n - why did you let them go like that! You should've called police or atleast beat them harder

He just looked at me and chuckled...'He is really hard to understand'..I thought

Y/n - anyways..Thank you for saving me

Taehyung - Just 'thank you' ?

Y/n - what else do you want?

Taehyung - Water? Or aaah , it's hurting..first aid?

"If he is trying to behave cute , then yes , he is looking really cute...aargh y/n stop thinking he may be really in pain!"...I thought

Y/n - oh-okay..follow me

We went to my place and he followed me and was smiling like a lost kid who found his mom

Y/n - Come in and wait there...I pointed towards sofa...

He just did what I said and I started treating his wound while he was staring me

Y/n - don't look at me like that!..I said while pressing cotton little hard on his wound

Taehyung - ouch! But I want to..he said softly

I ignored his words

Y/n - How come only you were there in that region when no one else was?

Taehyung - My friend lives nearby , I was going to meet him but I saw you in trouble so I helped..
But why were you roaming around this late wearing these short clothes?...He asked in serious tone

"What's with his duality!? Cute in one second intimidating in other!"..I thought

Taehyung - I asked something!

Y/n - yeah..I was lazy to change so...wait! Why are you scolding me? It's my choice whatever I wear..huh!...I scoffed crossing my arms

Taehyung - fine..do whatever you want

Y/n - Don't act as if we are close! And what did you say to them that they ran off

Author's POV ( flashback )~

Taehyung took those men to a side and said..."Do you bastards have any idea in front of whom you're standing!?"...looking at his gun with essential 'V' on it
"If I ever spot you around my girl , you're dead!"

-Back to present-

Y/n - what did you say to them?

Taehyung - umm... it's really late..I should sleep now..this couch seems comfortable

Y/n - 'excuse me! I already treated you , it's enough to return the favour..now you can go back'.....I said pushing him outside my house

Taehyung - you are really heartless!..he said making sad face...Or you are scared to be alone with me all night?...he said in husky voice

"Yaah!!"...I closed the door on his face and thought...how can someone switch from cute to scary then scary to flirty in a few minutes..

He said goodnight from outside then I heard his footsteps fading..then I also went to sleep


Hey everyone!

Woww , my fast update!

Listen above song on Tae's entry😉

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