25 : Overbearing Husband

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After consummating your marriage last night...you both were sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace...feeling a little cold as you both were in your undergarments

"Why is it morning already?"..you thought as your eyes opened by chirping of birds and squeaking of squirrels

You turned to your side to see your lovely husband lost in his own dreamland...you couldn't stop yourself from kissing his cheek...you gently kissed him and turned to jump out of the bed but he caught your wrist and swiftly made you lay again

Taehyung - Good morning wifey

Only word "wifey" in his morning husky voice was enough to give you butterflies

Y/n - good morning..'Yeobo'

you both laughed and he suddenly tucked your hands on both sides of your head

Y/n - what are you doing? Let me go Taetae..move!

But he gave you a peck and asked

Taehyung - Are you sure you'll be able to walk properly?

Y/n - Yeah , I will be!

He immediately left your wrists and you got out of bed..stood on your feet , giving him "see , I am strong" look but as soon you took a step , your felt your legs shaking and you stopped feeling embarrassed...he chuckled and you sat on bed with a pouty face

He kneeled down in front of you , his one hand made small circles on your stomach , above your abdomen and other caressing your hair

Taehyung - Don't be stubborn bubs , let me take care of you...let me do things , I couldn't do on our first time

You smile and nodded..he carried you bridal style to the bathroom and the newly married couple had a shower together


Y/N's POV~

It's been a month , I am adapted to my new life , nothing much changed except Taehyung's behaviour , it's not like he doesn't love me like before , infact he makes me happier than ever , he make me feel loved but he has become overprotective of me

He doesn't let me go outside without him , and if I'm going anywhere , I must tell him , though I still go to work but except that I'm restricted...I wasn't ready at first but he had a point " I have many business rivals who may harm you "..it convinced me
Also he is way busier than I thought..Even after coming back from the company , he works in his home office...I try not to nag him or disturb him
Because he does not say in words but he feels kind of pressured or uncomfortable whenever I step inside his office


It's midnight already , Taehyung is working in his office , I was in the bathroom shaving my legs..'ouch' I got a little cut...I came out of bath , wore my nightwear and searched in the drawer hoping to find first aid box or a band-aid..I opened the first drawer and found a handgun!



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