29 : His Story

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I nodded in yes and looked in his eyes giving him assurance that I'll believe whatever he is going to say..He began and I listened carefully

Taehyung - It all started when I was 16...I met with an accident that further ruined my already fucked up life and I got adopted to fill a vacant throne

I scrunched my brows

Y/n - Adopted?

Taehyung - yeah...I'm not a Kim by blood..I am an "adopted orphan"!

My brows slowly parted and my eyes widen on the fact that he  just stated.."I didn't know this!"..I thought

He stood up , avoiding the questionable look which I was giving him and went to window..looking outside , taking a deep breath , he spoke up...


Taehyung's POV~

I was running for my life , I didn't know where but somewhere far from that hell..the orphanage I used to live in..they wanted to sell me somewhere I definitely didn't want to be and right now they were chasing me...after running a mile , I hid behind some roadside bushes but I was not alone..there was a presence beside me..

A young boy approximately of my age , we both were panting heavily..we caught our breathe and I asked him or more like whisper yelled
"who are you and what are you doing here?"

He said.."I ran away from my house , my dad is a gangster and he wants me to be like him..I don't want to ! arrgh..I hate all this! I just want to live a long and happy life without blood and weapons..."

On the spur of the moment , we heard some footsteps coming towards us , as if some hunters are ready to prey on us...so we held hands...hoping to escape together...we ran to cross the road , In a flash...everything blurred

All I saw was a man coming out of his car and blood pooling around my and that boy's body..I was still holding his hands when my eyes went shut...

I opened my eyes and found myself in a hospital room all alone..my head covered with bandage...A nurse came , checked up my vitals and went..then entered a tall , strong looking man...I recognized him..he was the same man who caused that accident..I should despise him for hurting us or thank him for saving us from those goons and bringing us to hospital...

Well..I didn't do anything , I just asked him "where is my friend?"

He didn't say anything and just went out of the room silently..but I didn't think much as I was feeling tired , I drifted to sleep

Next day..I asked the nurse where is the boy who must have got admitted with me..she told me that he is in ICU..after nurse was gone..I took out the drip from my hand and went to find him..

I saw a big ICU template above a room..I was smiling as now I could meet him..
Door was open , so I entered without permission...there was that same man and a woman standing beside that boy , backfacing me...I heard the doctor say..

"I'm sorry Mr.Kim , we've tried our best but we couldn't save your son"

My heartbeat dropped , I ran towards him , shaking his body..."Hey, wake up! Didn't you want to live long and happy life! Yaaah , are you listening me? Open your eyes!"

I was weeping incessantly and jerking his lifeless body...his mother was also a crying mess , only his father..that man didn't shatter a single drop of tear..instead he harshly said " Stop crying over a weakling !"

To be continued...


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