19 : Messed Up Kims

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Today both Y/n and Taehyung's parents are going to meet and discuss about the marriage in a private hotel lounge owned by Taehyung's father

Taehyung's POV~

I was fixing my watch ready to move out from the mansion

Mr. Kim - Bold of you to choose a girl for yourself ! When I clearly told you I will take all the decisions in your life

Taehyung - I am not your puppet anymore Mr. kim and I don't give a fuck if you will be against this marriage

Mr. Kim looks pissed off but controlled anyways

Mr. Kim - Don't let her be your weakness.. if she becomes a threat to business then-

Taehyung - then you would kill her too!? Right?

Mr. Kim pulled me by my collar

Mr. Kim - How dare you talk to me like that!

Taehyung - because you disgust me!

We were giving each other death glares

"STOP FIGHTING YOU BOTH"..Mrs. Kim shouted and came in between us to stop the arguement

Mrs. Kim - Is this a time to fight ? Aren't we getting late to meet the girl and her family...
Let's go Tae..

We followed her out..

|At venue|

Y/N's POV~

Our families introduced each other...his father holds a serious look but he is actually sweet and his mother is beautiful but she also doesn't smile a lot..Tae's traits match his parents but not looks and maybe Taehyung was right that his parents are strict but whatever..they seem to like me 🤭

After this small family meet , both families agreed to our marriage which will be after 2 weeks..


Everything was going smooth..We haven't announced our marriage yet but only Jimin and AeReum knows

Taehyung made me a shareholder in his company with 20% shares..as it will make him owner of 50% shares which will eventually help him to get rid of some disloyal and foxy bad eggs in his company

Today is the first shareholders meeting that I am gonna attend in his company..he called me earlier so that I would get comfortable in new environment

he called me earlier so that I would get comfortable in new environment

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Author's POV~

You went to receptionist asking for Taehyung's office

Y/n - Excuse me! On which floor exactly is Mr. Kim's office?

Receptionist - Mam your appointment?

Y/n - oh , no no -

You were going to show your membership card

Taehyung - Oh , you are here! I was waiting for you , C'mon let's go!

He came with his boxy smile , held your hand and took you with him to his cabin

*Meanwhile receptionist - Is sir alright? I didn't know he could smile like that gosh..

Now Taehyung and you were rehearsing what you're going to say in the meeting as you cannot reveal your relationship yet.. after some practice he got a call

Taehyung - Y/n , baby I'll be back in 5 minutes just wait for me here ok

You nodded , gave him 👌 sign and he left..
While you were going through his office room , you saw your old college time picture on his table which he may have took secretly...
you were admiring his photography skills sitting on his chair suddenly the office door opened revealing his secretary , yes the same girl who was clinging to Tae in that collaboration party nevermind..

You genuinely smiled at her but she just came stomping towards you , held your wrist tightly causing you to stand up from the chair

Secretary - Who the hell are you to sit on Mr. Kim's seat!

Y/n - I-I am his business partner

Secretary - You doesn't seem like one! Wait - you are that bitch who was trying to seduce Mr. Kim in that party

Y/n - huh?

Secretary - Get your filthy eyes off my man! Let me tell you he is mine!

Y/n - what?

You couldn't believe the rubbish she said and you were mentally laughing at her childish behaviour , yo tried to remove your wrist from her grip but she squeezed it harder , her nails digged in your skin lightly...you wanted to slap her so tight right now but...

-To be continued-


"When you suppress your anger , it burst out as tears" doesn't it?

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