9 : Her Cute Hoobae

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Taehyung's POV~

Taehyung - Hyung , I found her!

Jimin - What? So fast!?

Taehyung - Actually...I met her coincidentally in yesterday's meeting..

Jimin - Seriously!? Now I think I should believe in things like 'fate and destiny'

Taehyung - hmm.." I am gonna persue her from now on"...I smirked

Jimin - Do whatever you want...you petty Boy in luv!....He mocked me

Taehyung - I'm going to work hyung..I ignored him and left

- At Nexon -

Y/N's POV~

*I was supervising my juniors regarding new project..well let me introduce Jungkook , he is one of my juniors...also a good friend in office.. he is 3 years younger than me...he is young , talented and a fast learner..quite charismatic.. isn't he?
Some girls even call him 'boyfriend material'

Jungkook - Sunbaenim! Is this graph correct or should I go through it again?

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Jungkook - Sunbaenim! Is this graph correct or should I go through it again?

Y/n - No , it's perfect ! You did a good job !

Jungkook - thanks to your tutoring that I got it right in a single take...he said smiling

Y/n - welcome my talented hoobae (junior)....I smiled back

*Suddenly my eyes fell on familiar figure..

Yes , it was Taehyung
Our eyes met and I suddenly looked away...and he went further to boss's cabin

Jungkook - sunbae! SUNBAE! Y/nssi!

Y/n - yeah!? Sorry!...I came out of my thoughts

Jungkook - Wasn't he the CEO of kim corporation? He doesn't look like it but I heard he is a dangerous person!

Y/n - huh? What do you mean? He can't be!..I said..."he was a quiet kid back then"..i thought'

Jungkook - Do you know him thoroughly?

Y/n - N-No , I don't...I stuttered

Jungkook - umm..whatever , let's continue what we were doing

Y/n - yeah..

And we continued

- Meanwhile in boss's cabin -

Boss - Good afternoon Mr.Kim ! Can I ask , why are we meeting today?

Taehyung - I came to have a tea with you since we are business partners now

Boss - you came all the way here just for a tea!?🙂

Taehyung - yes and I will be visiting quite often from now on ! Do I need special reasons?

Boss - Oh no no..plz-...he couldn't complete

Taehyung - Well , tell me about your team for this project!

Boss - oh! Head of the team is director DongMin , he is sma-

Boss - oh! Head of the team is director DongMin , he is sma-

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(Imagine him like this but in office background😅)

Taehyung - Not interested! Tell me about miss y/n!

Boss - He paused for a second and said...miss y/n is general manager and counselor here , she is like an extraordinary kid in school...but why are you asking about her only?

Taehyung - I'm interested in her! I mean , I want to get acquainted with such talented employees of yours !

Boss - oh okay , thank-...again he was cut off

Taehyung - welcome! I'm done for today...see you tomorrow in the party!...and he left with a swag

Boss - Aishh ! This rude punk.. didn't even let me complete!


This is it for this part

Let's meet in party tomorrow 😉

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