15 : Second Lead Syndrome

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Y/N's POV~

It's been a couple of week since that day , AeReum and Jimin are getting to know each other..they even went on a date again in this short time while it's still a little awkward between me and Taehyung...though we text each other time to time and for some days he is out of the city for some work

Right now , I am in my office working wrecklessly... I'm so tired , constantly solving my junior's problems..someone knocked at door

Y/n - Yes?

Jungkook - Noona , you must be tired.. here's your favourite caramel macchiato!..he showed his bunny smile

Y/n - Yayy , thank you junguk but don't call me noona in office...your fangirls may attack me! Ok?..I said laughing

Jungkook - hmm..'Sunbaenim'...he uttered in disappointment

I laughed at his cuteness and said while taking my drink with me

Y/n - I'm going on terrace to rest a bit could you handle others for me..please?

Jungkook - Yeah , ofcourse

Y/n - Thank you kookie oops jungkook and try not disturb me..Ok!

Jungkook - OK noona oops sunbaenim

We both giggled and I left

Jungkook's POV~

"Just how cute she is ! I never thought I would have a ideal type before her...her smile makes my heart flutter! Will I ever be able to tell her that I like her? But maybe she doesn't like me the way I like her or should I just confess but I don't want to ruin our friendship...I think loving her from far away would be the best option 😔 "

He came out of his thoughts when someone asked him " where is y/n? "

Y/N 's POV~

I was on company's terrace enjoying my coffee in nice weather and I missed Taehyung so I just messaged him

Y/n - when are you coming back?

Taehyung - why? Are you missing me?

Y/n - Haha..NO! Don't tell me if you don't want to , I was just askin-

I was typing suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder...

Y/n - Jungkook I told you not to disturb me!

?? - If you want , I can stop him from disturbing you for ever!

After hearing a familiar voice , I turned around

Y/n - Oh! Taehyung ssi! What are you doing here? I thought you were out of station!

Taehyung - Hmm I was but I came back just now because you missed me

Y/n - Hah! who said I missed you!

He kept quiet but after sometime he said softly

Taehyung - Maybe you didn't but I did !

"He again confessed..Am I being too cold to him..aaah why does he behaves sweetly with me while ignorant to others-"
I was thinking when he out of the blue asked

Taehyung - Do you have time for dinner tonight?

' Is it a date ? '....I thought to myself

Taehyung - Like for dinnerdate!...he completed his sentence

Y/n - umm..I do have time! So... I'll see you tonight Mr.Kim

I said leaving him astonished...his face showed as if he was not expecting a yes from me but I've already decided the otherwise


Poor Kookie🤧

Dear y/n , If you don't want guk..Can I have him!? 🖐️👀

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