30 : His Story (2)

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"Stop crying over a weakling" , he said sternly...I looked at him in disbelief and he went out

I saw that lady crying her heart out holding her dead son's hand , mumbling 'Mumma loves you Taehyungah and will always do' , I realised his name was same as mine

I didn't want to get involve in their family matters anymore so I decided to leave..
As soon I stepped out of the room , members from orphange were waiting for me , smiling as wide as they could which was creeping me out..

I tried to run but Mr. kim caught me
"They are here to take you back , don't you want to go?" He asked
"No , Please save me" I requested
" Fine , I'll take you with me as my son but you have to promise me that you will be a...good son"
He bent to my level and smirked..
I knew that by "good son" he meant
"a puppet" but I had no choice  except to fulfill his demand..
I nodded in agreement and I found myself getting a surname , a powerful one!

At first , I felt relieved..atleast I'm free from the cage but slowly I realised that I've entered another cage, this time.. a golden cage

I wasn't allowed to go to highschool when children of my age were busy preparing for their entrance exams , I was busy learning about business, fights and weapons...

I thought atleast I got a family but it was just a bunch of strangers ready to kill me for the throne I'll be getting and parents...they were the worst..
Never , once in this life Mr . Kim treated me as their son , but then again , he didn't even treat his own son right..what to expect

And Mrs. Kim..I looked at her with hope in my eyes , but all she did was making me feel guilty.."why are YOU alive and not my son?...I will never replace you with MY Taehyung..Never Ever.. "

Author's POV~

"I also wished the same , I should have been the one choosen by death"...he said these words with no emotions on his face but all the wounds in his heart were visible to you now

You stood up , went to him , back hugging his big figure with your small ones..
Now there was the utmost silence , none of you moved until the silent room echoed your soft sobs

He turned around and softly cupped your cheeks..

Taehyung - ssh..why are you crying?

Y/n - you've been through so much all alone , I just feel bad for you

Taehyung - But I don't!
I've stopped crying on things and people that aren't very very important to me , a long time ago...I don't even petty myself now

Y/n - Tha-That's good but you just said you wish the same as mrs.Kim...you said with pouty lips and your eyebrows knitting together

He chuckled and said

Taehyung - I "Wished" that until I met you..Now ,I have you..You are the reason I live for..you give me the happiness I longed for my whole life..I just want you by my side and nothing else

You smiled hearing his words but-

Y/n - If you love me this much , then why didn't you tell me all this earlier huh?

You asked with your voice laced in anger and eyes getting filled with tears while he looked down feeling guilty while you continued

Y/n - You once told me not to look down on your love for me but You looked down on mine!


What now? Will she leave him now?

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