12 : Cried Out Her Anger

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Y/N's POV~

I woke up and checked my phone as it's my daily habit and there I got a message from an unknown number..


Unknown no.-

Taehyung here!
Can we meet today!?
Just be ready at 4 pm , I'll pick you up!


What? NO!
I don't wanna meet u!
Don't message me again!!


I put my phone aside and got ready for office..

I put my phone aside and got ready for office

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Taehyung's POV~

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Taehyung's POV~

Jimin - Hahaha , it's my first time seeing you getting rejected when girls literally throw themselves on you..he continued laughing

V - you're enjoying too much! Aren't you!

Jimin - show me her pic again

I showed him a recent pic of y/n and her friends...He stared at it for a minute then smiled and said..

"Cute , no sexy , no both!"

V - Hyung! She's mine!

Jimin - Yeah , I know...I wasn't talking about her anyways... I'm interested in this girl beside her

V - Oh..AeReum! She is her only bestfriend from the very start till now...compared to you , she is one level up in kinkyness

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