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So, I am going to start out and say thanks for the huge support this story got: I never expected it so thanks to everyone who has read it, voted and left comments :). Honestly though? Since I wrote my One Piece story on my laptop I have ended up hating EVERYTHING I have wrote on Wattpad except for it because the quality difference is so huge. So, that is one of the reasons that the sequel, unfortunately, has been cancelled. If it wasn't for how much support my stories have gotten I would have deleted all of them but yeah. I have also somewhat lost inspiration for this series, especially since I accidently deleted the one I was working on, so that doesn't help.

However, I was thinking of the possibility of doing a Q and A? So if anyone has any questions about the plot of the sequel or anything to do with this series then they could comment it and in a few months I could answer any questions? Okay, it may be a stupid idea and if so let me know but it is the closest to a  sequel I  can get to.

Anyone who wanted a sequel, I am really sorry but I currently am doing a creative writing degree so in my free writing time I only want to write things I rally love. So sorry again...So...maybe see you in the Q and A?

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