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Mother unties my wrists and smirks down at me, adjusting her dress. I resist the urge to vomit, watching her leave. Happy fifteenth birthday to me I guess. I shudder, pulling on my trousers and jacket, heading to the door. Today Jay and I put our plan into perceptive: operation Malvie begins. I still feel her hands on me but I've almost become used to it and it's almost better these days. Since I told the truth to those three about six months ago she does this to me a lot less. She probably doesn't want anyone to catch on. It doesn't stop me from being completely disgusted at myself though.

I run to our usual meetup spot, aware that I'm late, skidding to a stop.
"Bitchella?" Jay questions. I nod, not going into details. I told them that she hurts me but haven't, nor will I ever, mention this part of it. He sighs then grins. "Ready?"
"Heck yeah," I agree. It is ridiculous how much the two make loveheart eyes at each other but don't say anything. Today, though this hopefully changes.
"Yo Mal, you've certainly got dragon breath today," Jay says as the girls approach. She groans.
"Dragon breath Jay? Really?" she asks, putting her hand on her hip. "That's lame, even by your standards."
"Yeah!" Evie agrees. "Besides. Mal's breath smells ni-..." She buries her face in her hands, clearly wondering what the heck she just said, blushing deeply.

Jay smirks.
"Well, we'll leave you two lovebirds to talk," he says, making both of them turn scarlet.
"We're not lovebirds!" Mal shrieks, face turning crimson. "Right E?"
"" Evie stammers, face flushing scarlett. "Actually, M...I uh... you. As in more than a friend." Jay nudges me with a grin.
"" Mal asks, looking shocked, staring at E with googoo eyes. It's sorta gross, actually.
"Y-yeah..." Evie says, hiding behind her hair, cheeks still bright pink.
"Me too," Mal finally admits. "Never knew how to say."

Well. Mission accomplished.

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