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"What happened? You look awful..." Evie asks. I carry on reading my book and don't answer. She sighs and grabs it off me, holding it out of my reach.
"What happened?" she repeats, looking genuinely confused despite the fact that she and her friends were bullying me for months only two weeks ago.
"Nothing. Go away," I mumble, sinking into my chair.
"Bullshit. You have a black eye and winced when you leaned back. It's clear something happened." Yeah. Mum was bored so I was her punchbag. At least she wasn't in the mood for something else...

"Is someone bullying you again?" she asks, frowning slightly. "Because we've been keeping an eye on you and we haven't seen anyone hurt you."
"That's super creepy," I mutter, trying to change the subject. "And no. Doesn't matter."
"Yes it does," she says, eyes locked on mine with concern. She's quiet for a few seconds. "Carlos, for what it's worth, if someone is hurting you, you don't deserve it." Yes I do. I deserve all of it.
"Fuck off," I mutter. "This is hurting my head. You treat me like shit only to be nice. Is this some ploy to use me?"
"What? No!" Evie protests, eyes wide, voice offended. "Course not!"
"Riiight. And Gaston is not the most conceited person alive," I huff, rolling my eyes. "Leave. Me. Alone. I'm better alone."
"Nope..." Evie mutters.

This is just getting annoying... I look at the clock and gulp. Crap. Mum said to be home in five minutes for some reason.
"Gotta go," I say, standing up. " I'm running late."
"...For what?" Evie asks. "Schools still on." I don't answer and sprint off.


Mum is waiting, arms folded, expression cold.
"You're late," she snarls.
"Sorry..." I mutter, looking down. The punch to my stomach isn't unexpected but I yelp in pain anyway.
"Shen Yu and Claude Frollo are coming tonight," she says with a grim smile, running her hand down my torso. I shudder, blood running cold. One of them is horrible and painful enough but two...
"NO!!" I protest, before I can stop myself. She slaps me so hard that I fall to the floor, head slamming  against the wall. Gingerly I put my hand to it, wincing at the blood.
"Who said you had a choice?" she snarls at me.

When have I ever had a choice?

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