Chapter 47

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"Oh yea I know." I sighed as I got up. Mason just looked at me.

"I don't mean to come off rude but-

"No I understand." I lied.

"Alexis I don't want to hurt you but I'm not going to keep hurting myself trying to be with you or be there for you. Being there for you got me damn near killed." He sighed.

"I know." I said. I guess I never looked at it from his perspective. Yes I know he almost died, but that's the life we live. That's like getting upset that you're pregnant while having unprotected sex, just doesn't make sense.

"I'm sorry Alexis-

"No don't apologize, I should be the one saying sorry here if we're being honest." I sighed.

"No I should have listened to your dad, but your brother sent me anyway." He said putting his head in his hands. Wait why'd Xander send him and why am I just now finding out.

"Why did my brother send you?" I asked. He was silent.

"Haha so let's pretend I didn't say that." Mason said.

"No why did he send you?" I asked loudly.

"Remember Lani is asleep." He said. Damn he's right, but why was he sent.

"Okay." I said calmly.

"What brought you back home?" Mason asked changing the subject.

"Do you really want to know or are you-

"I wouldn't ask if I didn't want an answer." He said.

"My husband well ex-husband turned on me and I was too blind to see what was happening right in front of me." I sighed.

"You ok?" He asked again as I just looked at him.

"If I was ok I wouldn't be here." I retorted. "Nothings wrong with being here just hoped I'd be one of the people who leave and never have to come back, but fate has other plans obviously. Why I'm here I don't know, I thought I tied up all the loose ends of everything but it seems I haven't."

Mason was silent as for a moment before he responded. "Well let me know when you find that loose end princess." He said leaving.

"Will do." I said as he closed the door. His couch is shockingly comfortable, why have I never laid on before. Being home right now is not the move, I hate it here. What haven't I dealt with that is forcing me back here, the real question is what is it. I'm okay with my parents and Mason for the most part. Then it dawned on me, it's Mason.  He's the reason I'm back. "Mason."

"What ya need?" He asked as the door opened.

"Can I get a blanket, please?" I asked as he went to the closet.

"Anything else you need?" He asked giving me the blanket.

"Can we talk, like seriously talk?" I said getting comfortable.

"About?" He asked sitting down next to me.

"I know I haven't been the best person and that I've hurt a lot of people and I know you're one of those people." I sighed.

"What are you saying Lex?"

"I'm saying I want to make things right between us, I know that us dating isn't something that can happen, but I still owe you some explanations and apologies for how I treated you and what I did." I said. We both fell silent, just looking at each other. I know he wants to ask me about what happened after Logan shot him, I've been putting off this conversation for a while and now I don't have a choice.

"I just want to know why Alexis after everything why still choose him?" He asked. I really had to think about it all from a different perspective now that I know it was all a game to kill me. Logan never truly wanted or to even have a baby. I answered Mason truthfully and we talked for what felt like an two hours. I answered his questions and explained why I made some decisions. He was very understanding and open surprisingly. It really felt like old times.

"Thank you for being so understanding Mason." I yawned.


I woke up to Mason holding Lani and feeding her.

"How long has she been up?" I asked getting up.

"Calm down." He smiled. "It's only been about an hour or so."

"Thank you Mason." I yawned. Mason came and sat with me.

"You're ok, she's so cute." He smiled. "She's really not a handful at all."

I smiled as he gave her to me. She began crying as soon as she realized I was holding her.

"She likes you Mason." I laughed giving her back.

"You like uncle Mason don't you." He laughed. She isn't nice to anyone but Xander and her father, but she's letting Mason feed her.

"Has she been fussy at all?" I asked.

"No she's been pretty chill all morning." He said as he began to burp her.

"You know if I didn't know any better I'd think you had kids or raised a few." I said laughing.

"My brother had kids and my brothers and I raised my younger brother, so I like to think I have experience." He answered.

"Well thank you." I smiled as he rocked her to sleep.

"Isn't that why we're here together?" He asked sarcastically. I guess he's right.

"Well I was supposed to have a post partum doula but you'll due." I shrugged laying back down.

"I'll due." He said as Lani burped. "Yea she agrees with me too."

I just laughed, oh Mason I wish I knew what I had.

"Mmmmm why are you so smiley right now, you're being weird." He said as he walked to the kitchen.

"Just thinking about some things that's all." I sighed.

"Okay like what?" He asked.

"Would have chosen the right person for one." I said as he came back into the living room.

"Oh." He smiled. "Me too."

Oh so he has jokes now, I can do him one better.

"You're funny I guess." I smirked.

"Oh we both know I'm funny." He laughed as I kissed him.

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