Chapter 37

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Niy, papa, and Naomi took Lani and I down to the mall area of the hospital. As the elevator opened I felt tears fall onto my dress. The wedding guest and party came to the hospital. Naomi went to the alter as the priest told everyone to stand. Papa and I walked down the alter.

"Family, friends, guests you may be seated. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Alexis Rosalina Mariana and Logan Theodore Demarco in marriage. With love and commitment, they have decided to live their lives together as husband and wife, the couple has written their own vows, Alexis." The pastor said as Niy helped me stand.

"I am at a loss for words right now. Logan you are truly amazing, you're my everything. Our everything. You make me so happy and I love you so much." I said smiling as I looked at Lani. "You're going to be a great father, you've already been a great husband. Logan Theodore Demarco, I am proud to call myself your wife and Mrs. Demarco." A tear shed.

"Logan." The pastor said as Niy got me some tissues.

"Alexis I love you more than you would ever know. We've been through so much and you've always been right here. Your smile keeps me going and your love keeps me happy. Alexis I've wanted to make you my wife forever, and not only are you my wife but you're the mother of my child. Our amazing baby girl. Baby I love you." He said kissing my hands.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." The pastor said as Logan grabbed me and kissed me. Everyone cheered as I cried. Niy went and got me a wheelchair, Logan pushed us over to our wedding cake. We cut the cake and fed each other. My mom brought Lani to me as we ate our cake.

"Thank you baby." I said kissing Logan.

"No problem Mrs. Demarco." I couldn't ask for a better wedding or family. My dad and my mom look so happy holding Lani, Xander finally settled down with Ashlyn and the men in my life are finally getting along. I couldn't ask for a better day.

"Baby you hungry?" Logan asked.

"No I'm good." I smiled as I got everyone and took pictures. All of this was making me tired.

"You feeling okay?" Logan asked as Niy helped me sit down.

"I think I need to go." I said.

"Okay baby." Logan said kissing me and helping me up and to the room.


"Thank you baby." I sighed as I burped Lani.

"No problem baby." Logan kissed my forehead. Lani smiled.

"Shes so cute." Ashlyn said.

"Thank you."

"Well Xander and I will be back later." Ashlyn said as she waved and they left. I laid my head on Logan. He kissed me and got Lani

"Hello Nei'lani." Logan smiled as I laid on him. She smiled at him. "Hello daddy's angel."

"Lani." I smiled at her. She knew it was my voice and began to cry. Logan tried to calm her but she only cried more.

"Mommy's here." I said as I got her. She stopped crying and was soon asleep. Logan gave me a sinister look. "What?" I laughed.

"Nothing." He smiled as we laid on him and watched TV. The pain in my lower body came back.

"Babe can you push the black button?"

"You need me to call the doctor?"

"No just push the black button." I sighed.

"Alright." He said laid Lani down and pushed the button.

"Thank you." I sighed as he caressed my face.

"No problem. He said kissing me. Niy came in to check on us.

"Hey mom, on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being the worst 1 being none. How's your pain?" She asked.

"I'm at a 7."

"I noticed you pushed the button 3 times."

"Yea it's easing up." I said.

"I'll have the doctor come make sure everything's okay."

"Ok." I said as she took Lani and bathed her. Logan rubbed my back sending me to sleep.

"Hello Lani." She said as Logan kissed me. The kiss was very hot, I almost forgot Niy was there.

"Oooo baby stop it." I whispered as he kissed my neck. "Logan."

"Okay." He laughed as Niy changed Lani and put her back to sleep.

"Okay Ms. Demarco the Dr. should be in soon to check on you." She said leaving as Logan and I just talked.

"Baby I only have a couple more days here is everything set for when I go home?" I asked.

"Yea baby Layla and Frank are at the house now making sure everything's okay."

"Does she know about the sip and see?"

"Yes." Logan said as they brought in dinner.

"Ooooo dinner what did they bring me?" I said opening the lid. It was a cobb salad with some fruit and cranapple juice.

"Salad, yay stuff you like." Logan said looking at me.

"I don't particularly like salad." I said as I ate.

"You don't?" He laughed.

"No." I said as I called Naomi. " Mommy."

"Yes." She answered.

"Can you bring me something to eat?"

"Alexis really?"

"Yes, where's Papa?"

"He hears you."

"Papa I'm hungry."

"I'll cash app you princess."

"Thank you papa." I said as Logan sighed.

"Wendy's nuggets and instead of fries, chili?"

"I love you." I said as he left and went to the Wendy's I called Layla. "Heyy."

"Hi love Frank and I have all your wedding gifts and we're setting up the house for you."

"Thank you guys."

"No problem honey, how you feeling?"

"I'm good I guess the lower half of my body's been giving me some pain."

"Oh no."

"Yea and this pad is killing me."

"Oh sweetie that's completely normal." She laughed. "You don't have to wear it unless you wanna bleed every where."

"God why and don't even get me started on taking a bath."

"Lexi it gets better sweetie." She sighed.

"Hopefully, well I'll call you later. Thank you so much."

"Bye honey." She said as I got comfy.

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