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"Listen to me princess, daddy loves you and I always will." He said as he put a gold pendant necklace around my neck. It has his name and my name engraved on it. "Princess I'm sorry this is happening."

"Papa where's Alexander and what's going on?"

"He's with your mom, but princess daddies going to need you to stay here okay. Don't come out until someone comes to help. If it's not uncle Tony, Mason, your mom or Talia don't say or do anything."

"But papa." I cried as I wondered what was going on.

"Princess papa has some business to handle and I don't want you in harms way. So stay here and if you get bored or scared theirs a TV, a phone and a gun."

"Okay papa."

"I love you Alexis."

"I love you to papa." I said as we hugged. He shut the door to the hidden room under the staircase. I sat for about twenty minutes, that's when I heard papa and his friends yelling. This is normal he usually has a few arguments with his 'clients'. This time was weird, he usually​ doesn't lock me away. I get that I'm only in middle school but he always makes sure I'm around. He says one day I'm going to be in charge. Me and Alexander.

"Last chance Mariana." I heard a strange voice say.

"Get out Demarco!" I heard papa shout. With that I heard gun shots. I got on the floor of the small room. Shots fired for a while until it was silent. It was so quiet you could hear a pen drop.

"Tony, Mason- another shot was fired. Papa was silent. I got the gun and shoved the door open. I ran upstairs and hid behind my room door.

"What was that." I heard someone say.  There was a mirror shard on the floor. I saw Demarco and I saw my dad. Mason and Tony were with him behind his shot up desk. I looked closer to see my dad was shot. There was blood coming from his shoulder. As I saw Tony and Mason tending to my father, I grew furious. Demarco and his guys were about to shoot again but I saw it coming and I shot one of his shooters hands.

"Shit." He shouted as his gun fell and shot his other shooter. Papa and the boys were shocked. They didn't know who it was. Demarco was open. He was the only one left able to shoot. I walked out from behind the door.

"You didn't expect there to be another one did you?" I said as I pointed the gun towards him.

"No and I didn't expect it to be a girl." He growled.

"Not just any girl." I said as he stood up.

"Don't move or I'll shoot." I threatened as papa intruded.

"Princess put the gun down." He said.

"No I got this."

"Princess don't." Uncle Tony said as he walked to me. I saw police cars swarming the house now. They were banging at the door.

"Open up." They screamed. I ignore the police as I scan Demarco. I'm easily enraged as I see him.

"Is the little princess upset." He smiles.

"Papa only calls me princess!" I shout as I pulled the trigger. There was a loud sound and blood everywhere. I stood still as I realized what I did. The police rushed in and Mason took me away.

"Take her to the sticks Mason." Papa says as the police bust into the house.

"Papa." I cried.

"I love you princess." He said as Mason took me away.

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