Chapter 29

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Logan followed me and shook his head.

"Alexis please stop stressing." Logan said as he laid with me and kissed me. "It will be alright."

"Okay." I said as we kissed.

"Now I didn't cook for no reason, lets eat." He said as we went back down into the kitchen.


I woke up with such a crazy headache.

"Logan." I sighed getting up.

"Yea." He said from the bathroom.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting ready for work we talked about this yesterday, remember?" Logan said as I went to him. We kissed. Sadly I do remember, I get to be with Layla today.

"Oh yea you asked Franks wife to babysit me."  I said as I turned the shower on.

"I love you." He said  as I grabbed my towel.

"I bet." I said getting in the shower. Logan was still in here, he groomed himself as I bathed. I got out, replaced my bandages and got dressed.

"Alright baby, I'll be back at 1." He said kissing me as I walked him downstairs. "Layla will be here soon." 

I went into the living room and watched TV.  

"Hi." I heard Layla say as she walked in.

"Hello." I sighed as I got up to greet her.

"Oh you didn't have to get up honey." She said as we hugged. "So Frank told-

"Let me stop you there." I said as we went to the couch. "I know you know Logan already, what I don't know is how. Now Layla whatever your last name is tell me how the hell you know my fiance."

"Oh wow Logan never told me you were this bold." She smiled as her voice changed.

"Listen answer my question." I snapped.

"I'm his mom." She said.


"Oh he didn't tell you him and Yalena have different moms. I was that mans queen until Tina came in." She said as she took out a black.

"Lets back up." I said turning the tv off. "If you're him mom then who's Frank, what the hell?"

"I'm kidding." She laughed.

"Who the hell are you?" I said as I grew angry.

"To answer all your questions, my last names Demarco as you guessed. Frank, my husband is Logan's cousin. We're very close to Theo and Tina." She said patting her bag.

"I got it Layla." I said. "I assume you know it was me."

"Who doesn't." She said blowing smoke in my face. "We all hate you but for Lil Theo we put up with this."


"Oh my bad you." She said pissing me off.

"Please get the hell out." I said getting up.

"Little girl can't take the truth." She laughed.

"If this is what I have to deal with all day shoot me now." I said looking her up and down.

"Don't temp me princess." She smiled standing up. "Now sit down."

"You done bitching?" I asked sitting back down.

"No but I hope lil Theo isn't mad for me for this." She said pulling out the gun. I knew she was gonna do this, so lucky she doesn't know Alex. "Bye bye." She said as I kicked her hand making the gun come out her hand I caught it.

"Didn't expect that did you." I said taking all the ammo out. "Now I'm gonna keep this and if you call me princess again, you'll be carried out in a rug. Today we're gonna be adults or I can shoot you and I will not be called anything but my name. It's Alexis." I said as she punched me.

"Princess I just started." She smiled as we began to fight. I threw her into the wall, she got up and made me fall and punched me again. I punched her back and pushed her off of me. 

"Ugh." I said choking her down, she hit me in the stomach and I remembered I'm pregnant.

"Die." She said as I kicked her, getting her off me and getting to the gun.

"You ass, you know i'm pregnant." I said as reloaded the gun.

"She's smart." She smirked.

"You're not gonna kill my baby." I said taking a warning shot. "Get out."

"Okay, I'm done." She said putting her hands up.

"Empty your bag and your pockets now." I yelled. She did it. "Now we're gonna go get cleaned up in the room." We walked upstairs and to my bathroom. I walked out and hid her gun.

"I like you." She said as I entered the bathroom.

"Yea, I can't tell." I said cleaning blood from my face.

"You're tough, that's just what lil Theo needs." She said helping me clean myself up. Shes still not off the hook.

"Thanks, I guess." I said taking my shorts off and taking my bandages off. She grabbed my ointment and put it on my bruises including the new ones.

"We good." She said placing the gauze on it and wrapping it back up.

"Frank said you can take these." she said handing me a bottle. I examined it closely.

"Okay." I said as we went downstairs and cleaned up. We broke the wall in a few places and some paintings and the table. Logan's gonna flip when he comes home. She checked the time.

"It's 11:30 what time does lil Theo get home?" She asked.

"1, we got time." I said as we cleaned.


Jesus that was a lot to clean, when we finished we ate the leftovers from last night.

"So how'd you two meet each other."

"We were in middle school and we were at the park. I never really had friends or cared to talk to anyone really so I was by myself  and he sat next to me."

"Don't say he used a cheesy pick-up line please."

"He sat next to me and said hi. I just looked at him and waved, I said nothing. So he vowed to make me smile and if he does then I'd have to tell him my name."

"That's so cute."

"And here we are."

"You killed Theo and now you're having lil Theo's baby." She grimaced.

"So we gonna do this again?"

"No I'm just bsing."

"Oh okay." I said side eyeing her as we ate.

"So jumpy." She laughed.

"I think you'll fit perfectly in a nice beige rug." I smiled.

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