Chapter 28

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Logan continued to cook as I laid down.

"Lex." He said as he came into the living room.

"Good I guess considering all of my injuries." I sighed.


"I'm fine." I smiled as he kissed me. "Is the food ready."

"It'll be done soon crybaby." He said as he laid with me.


"Yea crybaby." He said as I got up. Logan pulled me back down.


"Why are you so uptight."

"Uptight?" I said turning around.

"Oh my Lord, Alexis." He said turning me toward him. 


"I'm gonna ask you this and please don't kill me but are you on your period?" He asked as I screamed. Logan grabbed me and held me.

"Let me go." I said.

"Not until we find out what's wrong with you."

"Logan!" I screamed loudly and began to move.

"I'm not letting go of you." He said as we went to the kitchen. 

"Let go." I said as I stopped fighting him. 

"No." He said carrying me back to the couch. We laid on the couch until I felt better. I began to smell something.

"Baby is the food ready."

"Oh shoot." He said running into the kitchen. When he left I began to feel queasy. It got so bad I was on all fours on the floor when he got back.

"Alexis!" He screamed as I fell into a ball. Logan picked me up and carried me to our bathroom.

"Oh my God!" I screamed as I felt worse. "Babe I'm about to throw up." Logan got the trash can for me.

"Alexis baby what's wrong?" He asked as I threw up. "I'm calling Frank."

"No!" I said as I began to cry.

"Hello Frank its Login, Lexi isn't doing well." He said as it got worse

"Logan baby." I said throwing up again.

"Frank I need you to come to the house stat." Logan said as I laid my head on his lap. I was super tired and I felt more coming up.

"I'm on my way." He said.

"Baby." I said before I threw up again, this time I missed the trash.

"Alright baby I'm gonna run you a bath." He said as he got up.

"Baby." I burped.

"Let's get you out of these clothes." He said undressing me and carrying me into the bath. The pain didn't go away but it was a bit dull. Logan bathed me, dressed me and laid me in bed.

"Baby I'm gonna go downstairs for a bit ok, if you need anything tell me, the trashcans right here if you need it." He said kissing me forehead before he left. The pain persisted but it was durable at this point. My only question is what is making me sick like this. I don't recall eating anything new or odd. My period isn't coming on, what is wrong with me? Suddenly I heard the door open and people coming upstairs.

"Frank." I sighed.

"Alexis, let's make sure you're ok." He said as Logan sat with me. Frank began to check my vitals.

"Well Alexis I'm going to run some tests and make sure you're alright."



"Well Alexis."

"Yes." I said.

"It's safe to say you're pregnant." Frank said as Logan and I looked at each other.

"I'm sorry Frank you have to be kidding I'm infertile. I'm irregular there is no way I can be pregnant."

"Alexis I hate to break it to you but if his soldiers march it doesn't really matter." He said as him and Logan got up and walked away. I'm pregnant, oh my God. I'm having Logan's baby a Demarco. I heard the door close as Logan came up.

"Alexis, we're having a baby." Logan said full of glee.

"Yea I'm having a child with a Demarco, another thing how did he know where we were Logan?"

"Baby come on, our family doesn't have to know and he-

"'Logan so help me if he's what I think he is." I said as I grabbed his arm.

"Lexi let go and I'll tell you." He said as I let go. "He is."

"Logan Theodore Demarco so help me Jesus!" I screamed.

"Please calm down, Lexi I know we said we were leaving everything but you needed help."

"Let me guess so is his wife. God why do I trust you knowing you're going to continually lie to me." I said getting up and grabbing my phone.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"I don't know." I said storming downstairs. I got an Uber and waited outside.

"Alexis please come back inside."

"Logan leave me alone." I said as a tear shed.

"Please Alexis." He said as I looked at my hand and back at him. "Don't please."

"Did you mean what you said when you gave this to me?"

"I did and I still do." He said as I slowly began to walk back.

"Logan I am having your child, a Mariana and a Demarco are having a child. No one wants us dead more than our families now. My child isn't even born yet and has a target on their back and it has nothing to do with race, it's our families." I said making it to the door. Logan was silent as we sat at the table.

"So dinner." He said.

"Yea what about it?" I asked as he went into the kitchen.

"I'm fixing your plate now." He said as I thought about it. Alexis Rosalina Mariana you are having a baby. I'm having a child, wait till I tell Xander. Logan returned with dinner.

"Thanks baby." I smiled shyly.

"Alexis it'll be okay." He said. "The baby will be okay."

"You sure about that?" I said standing.

"If I have anything to do with it, yes it will."

"Oh you're so cute Logan." I sighed sitting back down.

"Alexis I doubt both of our people would hurt our baby. Me and you that's a different situation." Logan said as we began to eat. The well being of our unborn baby is literally in jeopardy but we also have bigger fish to fry.

"I've suddenly lost my appetite." I said going into the kitchen.

"Alexis!" Logan almost screamed.

"I cannot." I said going upstairs and laying in bed.

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