Chapter 24

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Xander's POV

I woke up in the lobby with uncle Tony and the boys.

"Mason Humphries." A nurse said as we walked up to her.

"You boys got him here just in time." She sighed. "He's lost a lot of blood."

"Ma'am is he okay."

"He's in a coma right now." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"He was shot very close to his heart and he was loosing a lot of blood sir, he isn't breathing on his own right now." She said as I stood there still.

"Can we see him?" Mike asked.

"Yes." She said leading the boys back. I couldn't move I was stuck, Mason was my first and best friend.

"Xan." Uncle Tony said snapping me out of it.

"Yea." I said sitting back down.

"You wanna go see him?" He asked.

"I don't want to see him like that unc."

"Listen Xan, he isn't dead okay."

"I know unc but he's not even breathing on his own, he was my first and only best friend. That's my boy. I just don't think I can handle seeing him this way."

"Xan you have to be prepared and ready for this type of stuff. It's not easy but we're all here for you."

"Okay unc."

"Xan how do you think I felt when your dad went to prison man, my best friend, my brother, my confidant. He's gone Xan but you know what always makes me feel better?"


"He's here." He said patting his chest. 

"Ok." I said getting up.

"I'll be right here Xan." Uncle Tony said as we went back. I still hadn't gotten a hold of Lexi so I text her again.

Xander: Mason's in a Coma, please text me Lexi. I'm just trying to make sure you're safe

As we walked in I saw him plugged into machines and he looked as if he was asleep. I sat down immediately, seeing him this way just made me feel worse. Lexi isn't responding and now Mason.

"Its okay Xan." Uncle Tony said noticing my mood.


Alexis POV

I woke up on Logan's chest. "Good morning beautiful." He said kissing me.

"Good morning." I said looking down at my hand. This is real, Logan and I are engaged.

"So how does my soon to be wife feel?"

"I feel better." I smiled. We laid there until the doctor took me for tests. After the tests it was time for lunch. Logan and I went to the food court and got Wendy's. As we were eating a couple sat beside us. They were very nice people, when the lady noticed my ring her face lit up.

"I don't mean to bother you but I couldn't help but notice your ring, are you two married?" She smiled.

"No ma'am he's my fiancé." I said as Logan just looked at me.

"Awe how long?" She asked.

"He proposed yesterday. " 

"How long have you guys been together?" She asked as I gave Logan the look. He still didn't get it. Luckily her husband cut in.

"Layla leave them alone." He said. "I'm sorry my wife's a wedding planner and she always does this. I'm Frank by the way."

"She's fine." Logan smiled as he began to talk to Frank. I'm gonna kill him.

"So when do guys plan on getting married?"

"Um I honestly don't know yet."

"Well whenever you're ready let me know." She said giving me a card. I smiled as I put the card in my pocket.

"Logan, I'm tired." I said.

"Alright Frank we'll be in contact." Logan said as we left.

"You're dead." I said as we got to the room.

"What they were really nice." He said putting me in bed.

"Logan I was trying to eat not talk about us to complete strangers." I said angrily.

"Lexi they were nice." He said eating one of my fries.

"Okay." I said.

"Lexi." Logan said as I ignored him. He kept calling me. God he's annoying.

"What." I snapped.

"Calm down." He said kissing me.

"This doesn't change anything." I said as he laid with me.

"You'll be alright Lexibear." He said as I laid on him. I don't like strangers, I barely like people.

"Wait till I get better I promise I'm gonna kill you." I said.

"Calm down you get to go home in two days." Logan said giving me our koala.

"Whatever." I smiled cuddling with Logan and the Koala. Logan turned the TV on, we watched Lion king as the doctor entered.

"Alright Alexis." Frank said as I turned to see it was him. I glared at Logan.

"You knew." I whispered.

"Oh my gosh what a coincidence." He laughed. Him and Logan just smiled at each other as I began to get pissed.

"Please just tell me I can go home." I said.

"Well, Alexis. I guess you can but I have a few concerns." He said as he went to the computer.

"Okay." I said.

"So I see your last minstrel cycle was April the 3rd to April 6th."

"Yes I have an irregular period."

"Okay and we see that your ribs are getting better, your leg is gonna be in a cast for the next 6-8 weeks, and we're gonna put your wrist in a splint." He said.

"So are there anymore concerns?" I asked.

"Um, we need to see you again for a checkup in the next 3 weeks and if anything goes wrong Logan has my personal number." He said as he got up.

"So when can I go home." I asked before he left. 

"When my nurse gets the splint on your arm and I come back to okay it." He said leaving. I nearly screamed.

"Alexis." Logan said forcing me to calm down.

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