Chapter 36

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"Baby." Logan said as I woke up.

"Yea." I said as I felt a little pain in my lower body. "Mmmm."

"What's wrong?" He asked?

"Push the red button babe." I said as he did.

"Are you alright?" He asked as I laid on him.

"Yea, the lower half of my body is hurting me." I said as Lani started crying. Niy wasn't here it was just Logan and I. Logan brought her to me.

"Hello my baby." I smiled as she stopped crying. Logan checked her pamper.

"She's good, I think she's hungry." Logan said as he gave her to me.

"Are you hungry, sweetheart." I smiled as Logan helped me breast feed her. Xander walked in with my clothes.

"You're up." Xander said as I smiled.

"Yea Lani was hungry." I said as he texted someone. "Who you texting?"

"No one." He lied.

"Xander." I said as he got up.

"I'll be right back. Logan can you come with me real quick?"

"Yea bro." He said as they left.

"Babe." I sighed as someone came in. It was Papa.

"Princess." He said as tears formed in my eyes. He sat next to me as I stopped feeding Lani.

"Papa." I said burping Lani.

"She's beautiful." He said rubbing her back. "Just like you princess."

"Thank you papa." I said as I reached for my necklace. He saw it and smiled.

"I remember the day I gave you that necklace."

"Me too, it was so long ago." I said laughing a little.

"You proved yourself that day." He said as Lani burped.

"Yea, papa why are you here?" I asked, he was being too calm.

"Firstly to see my grandchild and to talk to you."

"See me for what papa? You said all you had to say the last time we talked."

"Well I came with a gift for her, and I do want to talk. Really I do." He said.

"Where's the gift papa and okay."

"I want to apologize." He said placing a long black small box on my lap.


"Alexis I know that you love him and back then I didn't know how to deal with it but I know now exiling you wasn't the answer. I should have calmed down and talked to you."

"Okay." I said wiping my eyes.

"I know that love is a tricky thing, hell I still love your mother but I messed that up and princess I don't wanna make you miss your chance at love because of me. I know that's why you left, and honestly it hasn't been easy since you left. I hate the Demarco's but Princess I love you and if he's who you want to be with, which he obviously is. Then you be with him Princess. I love you." He said as he opened the box. It was a bracelet and a necklace with me and Lani's initials on it, one for her and one for me.

"I love and miss you too papa." I said as I laid Lani down and hugged him.

"I didn't mean to hurt you princess."

"I know papa, I know." I said as he picked Lani up.

"You're an adult sweetie, and you make your own decisions. I realize that princess." He said admiring Lani. I was speechless and in tears. Logan and Xander came back in. Logan came and hugged me as I wiped my tears. He held Lani as I laid with Logan trying not to go back to sleep.

"Wake up." Naomi said as she came in, sat next to papa and they kissed.

"Mom?" I said giving her a look.

"Alexis." She said as I sighed. Xander texted me.

Xander: Dads getting a divorce, he's been staying with mom and they're sort of back together.

"You're lying." I said looking at him.

"Nope." He said as I saw them with Lani. They looked so happy, so much has happened since I left.

"Papa, mom when were you guys gonna tell me about this?" I asked.

"I assumed your mother or your brother told you already." Papa answered.

"No, no they didn't."

"Well Princess your mother and I are going to try to work things out."

"And what about Talia?"

"I've already filed for divorce." He said as he gave Lani to mom.

"Oh my little Rosalina."

"Mom don't call her that." I sighed kissing Logan.

"Little Rosalina I like it." Logan said.

"Papa." I said.

"What's wrong with little Rosalina." He said as they laid her down.

"That's not her name." I said as Niy came in.

"Hi mom, how you doing?" She asked as she checked on me.

"I think I need more pain meds. I woke up and my lower abdomen and lower body hurt really bad."

"On a scale from 1-10?" She asked as she went to the computer.

"12." I sighed as she checked on Lani.

"Alright mom i'll have a Dr. in to see why you're in so much pain." She said as she got Lani and bathed her.

"Logan." I sighed as I laid on him.

"Yes baby." He said as I looked him in his eyes.

"Please don't leave me." I sighed as I pulled him closer and we kissed.


"Baby." I sighed as I tried to get up.

"Lex, babe do you need help?" He asked as I went to the bathroom.

"Yea." I said as I undressed, Logan came in and turned the water on.

"I got you baby." He said as he got the rag and washed me.

"Thank you." I smiled as he washed me. Niy came in.

"Hey mom are you okay?" She asked.

"Yea just taking a bath." I said as I heard her move.

"I'm gonna check on Nia'lani." She said as Logan finished bathing me. I came out with a towel and sat down.

"Baby I need to go check on something, i'll be back." He said leaving as I began to put my bra on.

"Oh they left this for you." She said as she laid my wedding dress gown.

"My dress." I said as tears formed in my eyes. Niy helped me get dressed and she put a beautiful dress on Lani. As she finished getting both of us ready papa and Naomi walked in.

"Princess." He said as he helped me up and Naomi held Lani.

"Papa." I smiled as we all got in the elevator.

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