Chapter 38

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"Thank you baby." I said as I ate my nuggets.

"No problem." Logan said laying on me.

"You're the best." I smiled eating the fries. Logan and I ate as Naomi crept in.

"Hi sweetie."

"Hi mom." I whispered as I pointed to Lani.

"Oh I'm so sorry mija." She said sitting down.

"Its okay."

"How are you guys doing?" She asked.

"Having some lower body complications but other than that I'm good."

"Did you tear?" she asked.

"Tear what?"

"Ask the doctor when he comes in." She sighed.

"Do you mean my V to my A?"


"Mom, that's gross."

"It happens."

"That's not what hurts anyway its more like a cramp or contraction."

"Did you tell them?" She asked as I finished my food.

"I did, the Dr should be here tomorrow."

"Well mija your father and I are leaving for the night baby, we'll be back tomorrow."

"Bye mama." I said as she kissed my cheek.

"Keep me posted Logan." She said leaving.

"Will do." He said as I got comfy. I was soon asleep.


"Baby." Logan said gently as he held Lani.

"Good morning baby." I smiled seeing them.

"Say morning mommy." Logan said giving her to me.

"Hello my baby." I said as I began to open my gown and feed her.

"Feeling any better?" Logan asked rubbing my back.

"Yea just a little." I said moving so Lani could get a better grip. Logan took a picture of us. It was beautiful. Me, him and Lani our perfect little family.

"Hey sis." Xander said as he walked in with Ashlyn.

"Hey." I said as I Logan gave me a blanket.

"So how you holding up?" Ash asked.

"Good really." I said as she stopped sucking and I began burping her.

"Oh let me hold her." Ash said as I gave Lani to her.

"Hello beautiful." Ash said burping her.

"So you ate breakfast yet?" Xander asked.

"No I'm actually just waking up."

"I'll go get breakfast." Logan said.

"Thank you baby." I said kissing him.

"No problem." He said leaving.

"So are you gonna bring the baby home when you leave?" Xander asked.

"Home?" I asked.

"You know Oakridge, moms house so they can see her."

"Oakridge, you're kidding."

"Alexis." He sighed.

"I'll bring her to a neutral ground in Oakridge, but moms house is a no go."

"Baby Oakridge isn't a good idea honestly." Ash said.

"Exactly, especially if nothing's changed."

"Things have changed." Xander said.

"What's changed?" I asked.

"Listen lex I just wanna see my niece grow up where we did."

"No, she will not grow up anywhere in Oakridge."

"Alexis." Xander sighed taking her from Ash.

"Look at her Xan, do you really want her in Oakridge?" I asked as he looked at her.

"Yes, no, lex I just want to see my niece with out driving an hour or so."

"We're not that far away." I lied. "We'll work something out." I said as Logan walked in. He kissed me and gave me my food.

"So Logan how do you feel about the you guys coming to visit Oakridge sometime with Lani?" Xander asked smiling at her.

"Ugh." He said looking at me. I gave him an honest look. "I'll bring her to see you guys."

"Supervised visits only." I sighed as I bit my sandwich.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes, my baby is not going to be with you guys alone."

"What do you think we're gonna do to her Alexis?"

"Honestly I don't know." I said as I finished my biscuit and got my baby.

"Ugh." He sighed as Ash kissed him.

"Babe we gotta go." She said looking at her phone.

"Oh yea well Alexis I gotta go. I'll text you."

"Alright." I smiled as they left. "Thank you baby."

"No problem." He said as we kissed.

"I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too Alexis." He said as he took Lani and swaddled her. They really want us to raise the baby in Oakridge. That's so ridiculous, I'll visit so they can see her but not without me or her father present. Oakridge isn't good for anyone.

"Baby what's wrong?" Logan asked.

"My brother and my dad are begging me to bring lani home or raise her at home."

"Well you know we can't do that baby."

"I know, I don't want our baby to face any of the same problems we had."

"Alexis I don't wanna burst your bubble but life happens and things are going to be thrown at her, just like they were at us. We can try our best as parents to be there but she life is going to happen baby whether we want it to or not." Logan said kissing my forehead.

"I know, I know but Oakridge is just not an option."

"Baby let's do it this way. How about we visit them from time to time. She can't stay unless we both agree or our mothers are watching her."

"I agree to that, but not my mom though."

"Why not?"

"She's back with my dad." I sighed as the doctor came in.

"Hello Mrs. Demarco, you had some lower abdomen pain?"

"I do my lower body abdomen on the left to be exact."

"Sounds like your kidney ma'am." The man said as he put on gloves and checked. He felt my stomach and began pushing several different areas. He reapplies gloves and checked my ovaries. As he felt my left ovary I winced in pain. He stopped and went to the computer.

"So?" I asked.

"I think you have a cyst on your left ovary." He said. "I'm going to get an ultrasound on it first thing next week."

"Why next week?" I asked.

"You just had a baby Mrs. Demarco, your body can't take that kind of procedure."

"Well am I going to be able to go home tomorrow if I have to be back next week."

"I think you should be able to go home tomorrow I just need you to back here on Monday."


"Well is anything else bothering you?"

"No sir." I sighed as he checked on Lani.

"She looks fine have a good day Mrs. Demarco." He said leaving.

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