Chapter 40

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"Hey baby." I smiled as Logan held Lani.

"Hey beautiful." He said kissing me.

"Where's papa and Xander?" I asked.

"Your mom called, they said they'd be back though."

"Okay." I said standing.

"Be careful baby." Logan said helping me.

"I'm fine." I smiled as he lead me to the couch and laid Lani in the crib.

"Baby." Logan said kissing my hand.

"Yes." I answered. "What's wrong?"

"What if I told you your father and I worked together now?"

"Logan you're kidding, my papa wouldn't do that he literally hates you."

"He hates me?" Logan asked shockingly.

"Baby, if it helps he doesn't really like anyone." I said looking into his eyes. He was hiding something I could see it.

"That's off the subject, Alexis your father and I are now an alliance."

"Logan Theodore-

"Lexi it's to keep you safe. I know I said we wouldn't do it again but for you and Lani I'd do anything. You have to know I did it for my family."

"Keeping me safe from what?" I said angrily.

"Dom." Logan said looking me in the eye. This was real. Dom and his people are the worst but I could've sworn papa took care of them a while back.

"Wait baby I thought Dom was taken care of." I said puzzled.

"So did we." Logan sighed.

"Where's Papa?" I asked angrily.

"He's out baby." Logan said rubbing my arm.

"Logan please don't touch me right now." I said as I tried to move. Logan held me.

"Baby listen I need you to calm down." Logan said looking me in the eyes.

"Logan please I don't want to be bothered at all right now." I said getting louder.

"Alexis you need to calm down, you have a cyst and you just had our baby. You have to calm yourself before you hurt yourself even more." Logan said. All I see is red, rage, anger. The only reason my papa came back is to get him on his side. That bastard.

"I'm fine Logan. I am fine." I said as I got up and checked on Lani.

"Baby, are you sure."

"They're not allowed back in the house ever." I growled. "So help me God Logan, I will kill them."

"Alexis baby I'm sorry." Logan said hugging me.

"I told you I don't want to be touched."

"Babe you seriously need to calm down for your health." Logan said making me even more upset.

"Baby I told you, I'm fine." I breathed out.

"I love you baby." Logan said kissing me.

"I love you too." I said giving in and falling into his embrace.

"I know, baby." Logan said rubbing my back. "We'll all talk when they get back."

"They aren't allowed back." I cried.

"Alexis, you need to let them know how you feel. Everyone needs to talk."

"Not here. I don't want them here, I don't want them near our child."

"Alexis not even 20 minutes."

"Just 20 after that they have to go." I said as we sat down and I laid on Logan.

"I'm sorry." He said as we kissed.

"It's fine." I lied. Logan and I laid together for a while. Lani woke up crying, Logan picked her up and tried to put her back to sleep.

"Thank you baby." I smiled as I watched them together.

"No problem." He said as Lani stopped crying. I laid on the couch as he walked around the living room with her. Until there was a knock on the door. Logan gave me a look.

"I'll be good." I sighed. "Come in."

Naomi, Papa and Xander came in and sat with me. Everyone was silent, the tension in the room was felt by everyone. My mother broke the silence.

"Mija, how are you adjusting?"

"I'm good mother." I said looking at Xander. He looked away.

"So, is Lani good? Is she adjusting well?"

"She's good Logan's putting her back to sleep."

"Well your father and I need to tell you something."

"Papa." I said looking to him. "What do you have to tell me?" He knew that I knew, we sat staring at each other not saying a word. Finally my mother spoke.

"Alexis your father and Logan have made an alliance."

"Great." I smiled and laughed. The whole room smiled except Logan he knew I was furious. "The real question is why?"

Xander got up and walked away.

"Sit down." Papa said. Xander came back and sat down.

"Alexis Dom is back." Papa said looking at me.

"I don't care." I said.

"And he's after you and your brother." Papa said as Xander and I looked at each other.

"What do we have to do with any of this?" I asked. I'm so tired of this.

"Alexis I've crossed a lot of people in my lifetime and now I'm paying the price."

"Papa if it wasn't for my baby then I wouldn't be helping you all and for further reference don't expect me to help do anything."

"So what's the plan papa?" Xander asked.

"Well we all need to lay low including you Logan." Papa said looking at him.

"They know about us?" I asked.

"Alexis." Papa said in a serious tone. "They know enough, that includes Ashlyn."

"Great." Xander sighed.

"Listen just lay low until I think of a plan and do not retaliate unless necessary." He said looking at both of us.

"What do you call necessary?" I asked.

"Alexis." He said a bit loud.

"Papa if you wake up my baby so help me Jesus." I growled.

"Okay you guys." Naomi said before he could respond. "Calm down."

"I gotta go get Ash." Xander said as he looked down at his phone.

"Wouldn't want anything to happen to her." I said as Xander left. My parents left shortly after.

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