The search begins (part 2 track B)

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You groan and woke up on the floor of a new location. You look around to see code covered walls and a bunch of faceless bodies with 3 and 4 fighting when you notice what Mario is looking at.

"Guys quit fighting, you might wanna see this." You say not trying to pry your eyes off the scene.

You watch as X and FM are scooped up by a giant hand that makes you go stiff and pale.

"It IS him." You mutter in horror as they are dragged into the darkness screaming until they couldn't be heard and their soulless bodies flung back onto the ground.

You are the last to shake off the shock and start sprinting from the hand to keep up with the others as they open doors to reveal more bodies. SMG3 thinks of a quick idea while the hand can be heard quickly approaching so you all lie on top of the bodies and play dead. Once you heard no sound and saw no traces you mutter as you get up.

"That was too easy." You say catching your breath. You all find the exit but as soon as you're all outside Mario is grabbed and pulled back inside and before you can even try SMG4 pulls you away from that situation.

"Tari would kill me if I let you do that!" He said which cut the argument you had in your throat short.

"Yeah ok carry on." You say knowing how fiercely she protects you and your honor. Joining them in exploring the new location as SMG4 tries to lament.

"Where the hell are we?" SMG4 asks uneasily noticing the terrors this place gives him.

"The dark web, a place where the scum of the earth do the darkest things imaginable." SMG3 said gravely as a shadow looked over SMG4. He turned to see something that spooked him.

Which turned out to just be an unnervingly friendly merchant of the dark web who knew SMG3.

"How else do you think I get my weapons?" He asked in defense.

You shrug. "I've only been here for about a year at this point." You comment.

"That's been nagging at me actually, how DID you get here in general?" The dark version asked paying for the launcher.

"Because of your plan. One of SMG4's crew was thrown further than the realm of dead memes." You say looking at him.

"Oh.... hey uh Gary is there a way to contact the outside web?" He asked now wary of your possible wrath.

"Oh sure it would be in the livestream area." The monster said pointing in the direction. SMG4 rushed off to it and SMG3 thanked his friend giving you wide berth.

You followed the two and soon came across some questionable characters and in the end you found a way to contact the crew.

Tari took the screen and demanded to know if you were ok.

"I'm ok Tari. You can relax now honey." You said which not only calmed her down seeing you ok but flustered her into giving the device back.

SMG4 explained the situation when you two heard a crashing noise and your eyes widened as you saw the yellow one. It asked where SMG4's guardian pod was and when he said I don't know you looked off to the side. That's when 3 told them where his was and you saw a corrupted meme coming and took cover. And you saw it take 3 and 4.

You ran after them knowing where it was headed. And you managed to meet up with the crew and get tackled by Tari who kissed you.

"I'm so glad you're ok!" She said tears brimming her eyes.

"Thank you Tari." You said cupping her cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." She whispered so that you couldn't hear it.

That was about the time you heard the doors of the place get rammed by the car.

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