Whats a wotfi?

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As you waited in the void you heard footsteps and panicked and hid by the door before you heard them stop and orders for a scene shooting.

"Ok I need to get out of here. But I gotta find the perfect window to do so." You muttered before hearing a commotion outside.

"Now's a good time as any." You say slipping out the front door to see a fight with Susan and SMG3. To which Susan lost.

"Oh, that's gotta sting." You mutter before things got a bit crazy.

You see a bird coconut thing start a competition which you were now benched at the sidelines for now, but ran over to Tari and the others who all except for Mario and Boopkins hugged you and gave you congratulations. You smiled and told them it was no big deal, anything for your friends.

"So what's this event called?" You asked.

"Oh it's called WOTFI." SMG4 stated as if you knew what that meant. Before he was called up for the next event.

"Ok, but what the heck is a WOTFI?" You ask turning to the others.

"It's an acronym for War of the Fat Italians." Luigi stated.

"Ah, that makes a bit more sense. So it's a challenge based event?" You asked.

The crew shrugged and nodded. "Yeah pretty much" was the general consensus.

"This should be interesting." You said noticing Tari being nervous. You try to cheer her up. "Come on Tari you'll be great at whatever you have to do."

*many challenges later*

You looked stunned and confused at the breath of the challenges. "Why did this all start again?"

"Because Mario graffitied my pc." SMG4 sighed.

"I mean I could see why you'd start a war because of that." You say checking up on Tari who's been looking down but no longer nervous.

"Hey, how you holding up?" You ask her to which she flinched at your touch but relaxed when she saw it was you.

"I'm just remembering how I've been failing these challenges. What if we don't win?" She asks looking at you fear in her eyes searching yours for hope.

"Then you won't be alone, your friends and I will be there with you." You responded and it seemed to calm some of her fears. She hugged you smiling.

"Thanks y/n" she said softly.

"Anything for you Tari." You say hugging back with a slight blush.

The next challenge was called. "Who can listen to SMG3's entire evil monologue?"

"I have a bad feeling about this." You mutter aloud.

"You're preaching to the choir buddy." SMG4 muttered as he passed as the crew gave nods of affirmation except Boopkins for some reason.

The results of the monologue only confirmed your suspicions but however you were NOT expecting a rap battle to break out. It was tense for a majority of the battle before everything started going wrong for SMG3.(EN: as usual) He was severely outnumbered and soon enough was outplayed by the two fat Italians that started this mess. As you and the gang checked on the explosion that was the result of SMG3 landing on an unmanned propane truck. You saw the last ditch efforts of a man condemned to his eternal doom into obscurity.

As you all celebrated Tari looked hesitant to do something and as soon as you glanced her way she grabbed your face and kissed your cheek. She then blushed and ran ahead to the front of the group.

"Does she... like like me?" You mutter softly rubbing your cheek sporting a blush of your own.

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