Chapter 3 - As you say, love

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Coffee was the only thing that could save me from the massive headache that I was going to have throughout the day.

Was I afraid, absolutely not.

But was I furious, 100% yes.

Walking into my office half and hour early was like my morning routine.

"Ara! Don't be so harsh on yourself! You know you're strong, you're made of steel babygirl!" My best friend Jieum said when I explained everything that happened yesterday.

Jieum was my best friend, the only person I trust blindly, my soulmate. We've been friends since middle school. I didn't have much friends and she was friends with basically everyone in school. We got paired up for a project together and she annoyed me like crazy since that day, but that is how we became best friends.

You're made of steel babygirl!

Ready to face another hectic day, I made my way to the office. I planned my works for the day while sipping my coffee.

I looked at my watch not even realizing that half and hour had passed away. When I walked out of my cabin, expecting to face our one and only guest, I couldn't find him. I looked inside his cabin, but it was empty.

That could mean only one thing, he's late.

And one thing that I hate the most is, not being punctual.

I walked back to my office to get my work done. I kept glancing at my watch to make sure I know how late he was.

10 minutes

20 minutes

30 minutes

40 minutes

43 minutes

That's when I hear giggling and laughers from outside. I wish I'd my office sound proof or something. As I walked out of my cabin, I see Taehyung along with some female employees, they were laughing at something he said.

I crossed my arms around my chest. I was mad, firstly he comes late on the first day and secondly he distracts my employs.

I cleared my throat, which caught their attention.

Taehyung lifted his head, and his eyes met mine.

"Okay Ladies! Hope to see you around!" He said winking at them which only made them blush. He made his way to where I was and stood right in front of me.

"Hello, Ara!" He said, his voice lower than usual.

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I simply invite him in my office as I go and sit on my chair.

"Mr. Kim! I hope you know you were 43 minutes late. I do not expect you to come late and then distract my employees, I hope you keep yourself professionally while you're working with me," I said emphasizing more on the way I addressed him.

"I am so so sorry Ara! I didn't consider that you'd miss me so much that you counted every minute and waited for me to come. Actually, my car broke down so I had to wait for another to come get me!" he said smirking and took a sip of my coffee.


"I hope you come on time from tomorrow so we start everything on time," I said.

"Well, I'll make sure you won't see me late again. But can you do me a favor?" He asked.

"Can you get me the files of the employees that were with me a while ago? I'd love to know more about them now that I'm working here," he said and winked at me.

I couldn't take it, I rolled my eyes at his reply.


"Okay listen to me here asshole! Since you don't have any respect for your coworker, I won't either. If you're going to work with me, you're going to come early and do things on time! This is my project and I don't want a good for nothing idiot coming and screwing things up right now. If you don't feel like working, you're always welcomed to stay inside you cabin and shut the fuck up, but don't mess things in my office," I let it all out in one breath.

"Aren't you feisty! Just my type," he said with amusement on his face.

Before I could open my mouth for the comeback that was on the tip of my tongue, he continued, "I'm definitely going to love working on this project" he rubbed his hands excitedly and took another sip of my coffee.

My eyes grew wide. "You did not just drink my coffee!"

"I did!" he said smirking. If looks could kill, he'd be dead by now.

"We have a meeting in half and hour, and I expect you to be on time!" I said pressing my lips into a thin line, ignoring his behavior at the moment.

"As you say, love," he said winking and getting up from his seat.

After giving me one last look, he left my cabin.

How, Just how was I going to deal with this person?

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