Chapter 8 - I trust you

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As much as I hate to admit, the night of my birthday, was one of the best nights of my life. Nobody had made me feel so special. I was probably lost in my world so much that I never noticed that good things that were around me and I never payed attention to the people who cared so much about me.

The next few days went in a blur. When I told Jieum about the whole date thing, she started planning our wedding saying we're so going to end up together.

Just as I was remembering her comments about our kids and wedding, I made my way to the canteen. I picked up a croissant and made my way back to my office shaking my head .

Just as I placed my croissant down, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Tae : Miss me ;)

Me : You wish.

Taehyung was on a leave for 2 days, as he had to deal with something on his father's project and I have to say I did kind of miss him.

Tae : So, what'd you say if I were to ask you out on another date?

Me : I'd say....

Tae : You'd say...?

Me : I'm busy ;)

Tae : I know that was the best date of your life and that you'd die to go on another date with me.

Me : Actually that wasn't the best date of my life, I've been to better dates ;)

Tae : You're lying.

Me : You wish.

Tae : You know, you can't get another date as funny and terribly good looking as me, you sure you don't want to go?

Me : Actually, I already have someone ask me out.

Tae : WHO?!

I paused for a while thinking about a clever reply, but before I could, he replied.

Tae : That person can't be as charming and amazing as me tho.

Me: Clearly not as arrogant as you either.

Tae : You secretly love it though. ;)

Me : Just how many other girls are you asking out on a date?

Tae : just u :*

Me : Yeah yeah, go back to work Taehyung.

Tae : one dateeeeeeeee


Tae : :((

Me : I'll think about it okay, now go work asshole.

Tae : Now that's like my girl! See you tomorrow. xoxo

My girl.

Am I overthinking or am I overthinking?

I slipped my phone into my pocket and couldn't believe I'd agreed to think about it, but deep down I knew that I wanted to go with him.


The next day I was in a rush, I was late, for the first time. I wasn't late late, I just didn't get to the office half an hour early like I used to. My hair was pulled up in a messy bun and I was carrying a bunch of files in my hand. This was the very first time I was late, I was never late. But last night my mind was all over the place, I kept thinking of the date, Taehyung and my girl.

"Well hello there," his voice had the ability to stop my world. It sounds absurd but I could recognize his voice from anywhere.

I turned around to find him just a few feet away from me, how did he even manage to get so close without me knowing.

I looked like a disaster while he on the other hand, looked perfect even in the morning. He was wearing a suit and that look was enough for any man to start drooling over.

"Looks like someone missed me so much last night that they overslept this morning," he said while teasing. I knew he was only teasing but I could feel my cheeks turn red as I looked away. I was definitely not going to let him see that it was the truth.

I looked everywhere else but his eyes.

"Wait seriously?!" he said excitedly.

"W-what no! Of course not! I was just tired because of work ok!" I said.

"Whatever you say love" he said while smirking. "So, did you come to a conclusion about our second date?"

I tried to stop my smile. "Contrary to what you might believe, I do not spend all my time thinking about you and things you've said Taehyung,"

"Really? That look on your face suggests otherwise love," he said.

"Arrogant!" I quickly replied.

"Captivating," he says, and I think my heart skipped a beat.

"You're over dressed," I pointed out not knowing what else to day.

The look in his eyes changed as I felt my entire body shiver under the intense stare of him checking me out.

"Perv!" I said, hitting his shoulder slightly.

"Perhaps there's more to me that that meets the eye. Something you might want to figure out if you went on another date with me?"

"In your dreams"

"Come one love"

"We have to work Taehyung, we have the launch in less than a week, so we need to finalize the presentation and go through everything again and also plan for the launch party," I said, which was he real reason I kept denying him, it's not like I didn't want to go, I just couldn't.

"Okay then, looks like we'll have to wait till the launch," he said sighing.

"Looks like it," I said silently because it was only till the launch that I was going to see him everyday. "Hey by the way, we have to meet some clients over lunch, would you like to join?"

"Are you asking me out on a work-formal-date?" he asked.

"Don't get ahead of yourself so much Taehung, it's only to make sure that there won't be any problem just in case I mess up," I said.

"Sure, I'll be there," he said and I smiled and turned around to get inside the elevator.

"But hey, Ara!" he called, making me turn around and come face to face with him. He bent a little to match my height, our faces only inches apart.

"You won't mess up," he said as he brought his face closer to my ears, "I trust you"

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