Chapter 13 - Just admit it

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"You remember that time in high school when we bunked detention while Mr. Oh was sleeping and he didn't even realize that the next day," Yuri said and Taehyung laughed. They were both sitting on the same sofa, comfortably as it was too big for just one person to fit in and I sat across them.

Just why was this cabin designed like this. I looked at them and they both looked at each other like they were meant to be, she made him laugh, I'd never seen him laugh like that before. He made comments on her, making her blush.

I frowned thinking what I was doing in between but then to avoid the awkward situation I picked up the sandwich and started eating it.

Not only was I disappointed that Taehyung forgot our ritual of having dinner together, I felt bad that I wasn't a part of any of their conversation.

"I know right! I can't believe that we practically grew up together! Wish we could go back right!" Taehyung said and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

I took a sip of the smoothie that was in front of me, trying to avoid looking at them.

"You guys seem pretty close," I said, masking the hurt and disappointment.

"Yeah, we are, and I don't think anyone knows or will know me better than Yura." he says and places his hands around her shoulder.

She smiles at him before saying, "Same goes for me"

I cleared my throat, I have no idea if I was uncomfortable or hurt more because clearly, all I wanted to do at that point was disappear and never come back again.

They talked and talked and I kept eating, until I finished my sandwich and had nothing to do. I felt out of place, I didn't know what else to do.

I could feel Taehyung glancing at me time and again waiting for a reaction but I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. One day he asks me to go on a date with him, makes me feel like the most special person in the world and the next day I see him all lovey dovey with another girl.

He was a playboy indeed, it was just stupid of me to fall for his little game.

Just when I was about to excuse myself, I got a message from Kai.

Kai : Hey I know it's pretty late but I just wanted to tell you that I might be a little late tomorrow, so I'll see you at your office at around 10-ish?

Me : I'll be in my office the entire day, so you don't have to worry about the time Kai. Feel free to step by any time :)

Kai : Thank god! Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow. Don't run away anywhere.

Me : Why would I even run away lol. See you.

Kai : Who knows what goes inside that pretty mind of yours, you're always in a rush haha. Goodnight Ara. See you :)

Me : Nights Kai

"Who was that?" Taehyung asks, making me snap out of my thoughts and face him.

I got up excusing myself, "It was Kai, you remember our client, I have a meeting with him tomorrow, so I'll see you guys some other time, have to go now"

I said before giving a smile to Yura and glancing one last time at Taehyung, whose body stiffened at Kai's name.

I made my way to the parking lot and opened my car door when it was suddenly closed. I turned around and faced a furious looking Taehyung.

"What'd he want?" he asked.

"What did who want?" I asked, clearly confused.

"What did Kai want?" he asked.

"He wanted to meet me for some work, I'll find out tomorrow," I said and opened the door again which was closed by him again.

I turned around and faced him, rolling my eyes, "What?"

"What time are we meeting him?"

"We? Who said we are meeting him?" I asked.

His eyes hardened, "You're not thinking of going there alone are you? I'm a part of this project too you know."

"Yes you are, but the deal is done already and he's meeting me to discuss about some further collaborations, that does not involve you in it, so you can go back and have fun with your date as much as you want because clearly you do not care how much time we have left together," I said, annoyed at his behavior.

His expressions suddenly changed and he smirked, "Is that jealously I hear in your voice love?"

"O-f course not" I replied quickly.

"Just admit it Ara, the faster you admit it, the faster this ends."

"Admit what?"

"You'll know" He smiled and kissed my cheek before turning around and leaving me all by myself in the parking lot thinking what the hell just happened.

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