Chapter 9 - I'm Kai.

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Later that day, both of us walked into a fancy restaurant that was selected by the client. I'd only heard about his company, but it was the first time I was meeting him in person.

As I looked around, a staff approached up and showed us the way towards a table. There was a guy who was well suited and had a neat haircut but his back was facing us, so we couldn't get a proper look of his face until we went forwards.

As we stepped in front of the table I saw a fair, good looking guy checking his watch. He looked up and his eyes met mine.

He got up and smiled while offering his hands for a hand shake, "Hello, you must be Miss Ara. I'm Kim Jong-in, but you can call me Kai if you want,"

I shook my hands with him and said, "Nice to meet you Kai, I'm glad you could take some time out just for this meeting"

"My pleasure, please have a seat," he said while pulling out a chair for me. From my side view, I could see Taehyung staring at Kai, like he would punch him any minute.

"This is Mr. Kim Taehyung, he's one of the investors, and is helping us with the project," I said before Kai could ask.

"Hello, Mr. Kim," Kai said reaching for Taehyung's hands but Taehyung simply nodded and sat beside him.

Kai stood there awkwardly for some moment before chuckling and sitting down across from me.

We discussed about the deal for around 30 minutes before our food arrived. We ate while discussing about our project and his company.

Apparently, he had been running his father's business for about 3 years now. When I asked him why he was interested in our project, he told me that he found it very interesting and it is the type of project he'd work in without even thinking twice.

Overall, he loved the idea and said he'd sign the deal right there and then. The entire time Taehyung remained silent, for some reason that was bothering me. His body was stiff and his fist clenched. I reached his hands and placed my hands over his without looking at him and listening to Kai speaking.

I felt his body relax under my touch.

After signing the deal, we were all ready to get going.

"I had a lovely time Ara, I hope we do more projects together," he said.

"I'd love to work with you Kai," I said while smiling.

He smiled and took my hands for a handshake but he surprised me by placing a kiss on top of it.

"Hope to see you soon," he said before leaving.

I froze on my stop. When I looked around I saw Taehyung staring at Kai's car like he'd kill him any second.

"Umm.. I think we should go," I said. Before he could say anything, I went inside the car and waited for him.

He entered in a minute and we drove in silence. For some reason, I didn't want to talk about the deal or anything at the moment. Looking at Taehyung, I'd never seen him like that before. He looked mad, actually beyond mad.

When we reached the building, we entered silently. He didn't say a word throughout the whole ride and silently went back to his office.

Was he mad that I didn't go on a date with him or was he mad that he had to come to the meeting with him?

I wanted to ask him but I felt like he needed his own space. I'd talk to him over dinner, I thought.

By the time the day was over, Taehyung didn't talk to me once, neither did I go to his office. It felt weird, not having him annoy me the whole day, was this how it was going to be after he left?

When I opened the door, there was no envelope like how there used to be. I looked if it fell somewhere, I searched but there was nothing.

I made my way to his cabin, but to my disappointment I found it empty.

Maybe he was busy?

But the disappointment was killing me because I wanted to talk to him and sort everything out even though I had no idea what was going on.

Just then my phone vibrated and I saw Jieum's message.

Jieum : Let's go have some fun tonight. We haven't hung out in agesssss

Me : I have work tomorrow Jieum.

Jieum : Come on! We know you're not going to die if you have fun for some hours, plus you have your entire team to work if anything goes wrong okay. PRETTY PRETTY PLEASEEEEEEEEEEE

I thought for a moment, before replying.

Me : You know what? I think we could use a drink today

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