Chapter 7 - Happy Birthday, love

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"You know you could just be there at the party and not freeze yourself to death waiting for me outside?" I asked, as I saw him sitting in the bench on my backyard.

"Well, then, where's the fun in that?" He asked. I already knew he was smirking but he didn't turn around.

I walked up to the bench and sat beside him. "What if I didn't say yes to this dinner, or what if I never got the letter and I never showed up?''

"I knew you would," he said, looking at me.

"No, but what if-"

"There is now what ifs and buts, I knew you would come," he said, with no hint of joke on his voice.

I cleared my throat and looked away, not knowing what else to say.

"So, you ready for our wonderful first date?" he asked.

"A d-date?" I said, confused.

"You sound like you've never been on a date before," he said.

"Of course, I have, but wasn't this supposed to be like our normal dinner stuff?" i asked.

"I like how you said, our," he said.

"Well, I did say this was going to be special, plus it's your birthday today," he said.

I was really tired to go anywhere, but I didn't want to say that out loud.

"Don't worry! We won't be going far." he said as if he could my mind.

My eyes widened, not knowing what to say which makes him chuckle.

"You're too easy to read love," he said.

"Ready to go?" he asked and I nodded. He placed his hands forward like a gentleman and I kept my hands on his.

The backyard was dark. We walked a little further in my backyard and he stopped walking.

"Stay here," he said and I nodded. He let go of my hands, making my hands feel cold after he left.

After around 2 minutes, the lights were on, and the most beautiful sight was there in front of my eyes.

"Y-you did all this?" I ask as my eyes widened as I looked at the sight in front of me

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"Y-you did all this?" I ask as my eyes widened as I looked at the sight in front of me. I was in loss of words. No wonder he wasn't there the entire time.

"Yeah," he said while rubbing the back of his neck, blushing a little.

I could barely think of anything else that time. I felt special.

He pulled the chair for me and I sat, I watched him as he sat down, he probably knew that I was watching him all this while.

He prepared everything I liked, which was mostly all junk food, there were spring rolls, pizza and sandwiches. It wasn't one of those fancy dinner dates, it was simple, enough for me to feel special.

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