Chapter 4 - Thank you for having dinner with me

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Thankfully the meeting went without any disturbance. Despite of Taehyung's intense stares, winks and smirks, we finished the meeting with the team successfully. By the time I reached my cabin and replied to my mails, it was already past lunch time. My stomach was growling like a dinosaur.

Making my 3rd coffee for the day, I continued working without a break. Thankfully there was no-one to annoy me the entire day and I did my work peacefully.

By the time I left work that night, it was almost midnight and I was exhausted. I'm pretty sure I was the only one in office. That is what usually happens, I'm the first one to arrive and the last one to leave. My neck and shoulder were sore and my feet were already killing me, I was exhausted.

When I closed my office door to get outside, I saw an envelope with my name on it. It was stuck on the handle. The handwriting was pretty nice, it was big, bold and curly. I wondered who put this there because this was the first time I'd received something like this.

I opened an envelope and a strange card fell out.

"You must be exhausted. Food?" it read and had a bunch of strange drawings and something else was written on the bottom.

"Meet me at my cabin - Taehyung" was written in small handwritings with a wink face on it.

Still trying to figure the note out, I carried it to Taehyung's cabin that was just opposite to mine.

I opened the door and saw Taehyung sleeping on the couch.

What in the world?

I cleared my throat to make him aware of my presence but that didn't work.

I went in front of the couch and and pushed his shoulders a little bit to wake him up, but he didn't even more a centimeter.

Sighing, I turned around to walk outside but suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. I turned around, losing my balance and fell on his laps. My hands were on his shoulders for support and he gently kept his hands on my waist.

My eyes widened at our position, but I could have a proper look of his face. He had round, cat like eyes, he had a distinct mole on his nose, and his lips were thin. He had well defined cheek bones and a concrete jaw.

"If you're done checking me out." Taehyung said with a smirk on his face making me snap out of my thoughts and pushed him while getting up.

I'm pretty sure I was as red as a tomato but thankfully he didn't make any comment on that.

Chuckling at my response, he said, "You haven't had dinner yet, have you?"

"That's none of your concern." I said.

"Well! I was wondering if we could have some dinner before leaving, I bought some Chinese food, I was wondering if you were hungry," he said.

"Well, I'm not, I hope you have a good dinner!" I said and turned around to leave. Just at that moment my stupid stomach had to growl.

I didn't want to have dinner with him. I did not want another stupid conversation raising my blood pressure.

"You know, I won't bite right? We could have a civil conversation over dinner," he said.

I turned around and raised an eyebrow at him, "There is no civil conversation when you're around"

"I'd love to know what else we could talk about love," he said and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at his response, "You know what, I'm gonna leave"

"Okay! Wait, wait!" he said before I could open the door.

"I'm sorry okay! I won't say anything throughout dinner, I promise. Just eat with me, please." he said.

He looked at me with puppy dog eyes that could melt you, but rather than that, the smell of the food broke my patience and I couldn't stand there ignoring it.

I sat down when he placed the box of food in front of he and took his out.

I finished my food happily, not paying even a single glance at him, but I could feel his eyes on me time and again.

I was happy, my stomach was super happy and my mood was definitely better than before.

"Why didn't you eat lunch?" he asked.

I look up to meet his eyes before replying, "I have to work. I had some things to wrap up by tonight."

"Well, that doesn't mean you live on coffee all day." he said.

I frowned at him, "Well, I am alive, aren't I?"

"That's only because you ate dinner with a beautiful face like me, you looked like you'd pass out any moment," he said.

"A beautiful face? Like you?" I laughed at him reply.

Taehyung's hands went up his chest dramatically and he shut his eyes like in pain

. "Ouch"

"How are you a businessman and not a comedian, or acting in a drama," I narrowed my eyes a little at his dramatic response.

"Now that, is a story for another time. Come on! Let's go now!" he said.

We walked in silence to the parking lot and instead of walking to where his car was, he stood right beside me.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just wanted to say goodnight," he said while showing his boxy smile.

"Umm..goodnight?" I said, which sounded more like a question.

"Thank for having dinner with me," he said and have me a genuine smile, not a smirk, but a genuine smile.

"Thanks for the dinner I guess." I said, unsure of what else to say.

"I'll see you tomorrow," he said and opened the door for me.

I entered inside before saying, "Don't be late."

"I won't disappoint you," he said before closing the door.

After one last glace in his direction, I drove off.

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