Chapter 2 - Here comes trouble.

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The presentation was like a script to me, and I felt like an acturess delivering my dialogues because I'd given the same presentation over 3 times.

The entire time while giving my presentation, I could feel everyone's eyes on me, especially Taehyung, who kept watching every movement I made. I tried to act unbothered by it, and finished presenting it confidently.

The presentation ended pretty smoothly and the investors did look quite impressed with the project.

"Well well! I must say Miss Ara, I am pretty impressed with he project!" Mr. Kim says.

"I'm glad you liked the project sir!" I said with a proud smile. I looked at my step dad, who looked like he'd found gold in a deserted island after Mr. Kim's comment.

"So, I see you like the project Mr. Kim, do I take this as you want to invest," my step dad says while facing Mr. Kim with an expected look.

"I don't think there's any need to re think abo-"

"I'm really sorry to interrupt father! But I have a few queries regarding this project!" Taehyung says before his father could complete his sentence. The look on my step father's face was a treat to watch, he looked furious, but tried his best to hide it with the fakest smile ever.

"Go ahead son!" His father said, looking surprised himself like this is the first time Taehyung had ever spoken in his entire life.

"Who's leading this project?" He asked looking around, as if searching for an answer.

Is he dumb or is he blind?

"I suppose it's the one who gave the presentation, Mr. Kim!" I said.

He smirked at my response and continued, "Well! I do see that you've presented quite amazingly and I'm impressed too, but this is the first time our company is doing a collaborative project, that too for launch of jewels and there seems to be more risk since I see you already have a lot of investors. If this project has more loss, how'd you manage? And what are the odds that we will have profit from this project?"

I could see the look on his face, challenging me to answer. He did try his best to catch me off guard but man has to know that this wasn't the first time I'd faced such a situation.

Unbothered by his question, I replied, "The jewels that we're launching are the rarest, the designs, as you have seen are not the only ones I've designed, we also have a back up team, working with a new set of designs, which not only focuses on the trend these days, but also signifies and brings back the essence of the old designs and out culture. So, the chance of loss is pretty low, you may stay rest assured, sir!"

The amusement on his face was clear, he nodded, clearly unable to come back with another response.

"Well, looks like we have a deal then?" Mr. Kim asks rest of the members of his team. They all nodded in response.

"I'm glad to be working with you in this project," my step dad said.

"I am too, but I have a condition," Mr. Kim says which makes my step dad's smile drop.

"A condition?" I asked, shifting all the attention on me now.

"As you can see Miss Ara, I am willing to invest in your project, and it seems like the best decision I've made so far, but I see that my son is showing interest in your project, to make sure that you do you job right, I want my son to be a par of it, and work on it, and make sure that there are no mistakes," he says.

I remained quiet, clearly offended and shocked at the same time. That statement mean that he was doubting my project and capabilities. I looked at my step dad's body relax while he let's out a laugh.

"That's not a problem Mr. Kim! Your son can be a part of this project and make sure Ara doesn't mess this up! In fact he can start monitor everything from here, we'll prepare a cabin just for him!" my dad says like it isn't a big deal.

I think my blood circulation stopped because I clenched my fist so tightly.

1) It was my project.

2) I worked my ass off not for someone to doubt my hard work.

3) This asshole needs to shut the fuck up before I remove his two incisors.

I looked at Taehyung, who was staring at me, trying to figure out the thoughts running on my mind. I couldn't say no to them, I wasn't one of those who'd back off and be scared of my step father, but this was about my mother, I couldn't risk anything.

Masking my frustration and anger I put on the best smile I could.

"You're more than welcome to join the team, Mr. Kim! I look forward to working with you!" I said offering my hand for a handshake to Taehyung.

He was still trying to figure out what exactly was going on my mind, but he didn't let that be seen.

He shook my hands before saying, "I'm lucky to be working in this project, with you"

He gave me his very famous smirk, to me it said, here comes trouble!

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